Suspensão das horas in itinere: um estudo de seu aspecto social
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Belluco, Pedro Henrique
Afonso, Túlio Augusto Tayano
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A presente produção científica tem, por objetivo, analisar os principais reflexos no cenário jurídico e sociológico atual originados pela popularmente chamada Reforma Trabalhista, promulgada pela Lei 13.467/2017, ao excluir o instituto das horas in itinere. Tal instituto permitia ao trabalhador ter o tempo de trajeto despendido de sua residência ao local de prestação de serviços, incorporado ao tempo de sua jornada de trabalho, desde que preenchidos os requisitos jurisprudenciais estabelecidos pela súmula 90 do TST. O estudo se utiliza de métodos de pesquisa bibliográficos para abordar a discussão a respeito da supressão de um direito social do empregado de forma que não se expresse qualquer predileção ou julgamento, e sim, estabelecer e aprofundar as perspectivas de cada um dos lados.
The present scientific production aims to analyze the main reflexes in the current legal and sociological scenario created by the popularly called Labor Reform, promulgated by Law 13.467 / 2017, by excluding the institute of hours in itinere. Such an institute allowed the worker to has the time spent on the way from his residence to the workplace incorporated into the time of his workday, since that filled jurisprudence requirements set out in TST Precedent 90. The study uses methods of bibliographic research to bring the discussion about the suppression of a social right of the employee, without making judgments or expressing predilections, but establishing and deepening the perspectives of each side.
The present scientific production aims to analyze the main reflexes in the current legal and sociological scenario created by the popularly called Labor Reform, promulgated by Law 13.467 / 2017, by excluding the institute of hours in itinere. Such an institute allowed the worker to has the time spent on the way from his residence to the workplace incorporated into the time of his workday, since that filled jurisprudence requirements set out in TST Precedent 90. The study uses methods of bibliographic research to bring the discussion about the suppression of a social right of the employee, without making judgments or expressing predilections, but establishing and deepening the perspectives of each side.
hours in itinere , labor reform , workday , social right , horas in itinere , reforma trabalhista , jornada de trabalho , direito social