A responsabilidade civil por abandono afetivo
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Silva, Mariana Caires Taboada da
Saad, Martha Solange Scherer
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Os objetos de estudo dessa pesquisa consistiram na verificação da diferença
semântica entre as palavras “amor” e “cuidado” e de seus respectivos efeitos práticos gerados,
na análise legal e jurisprudencial da possibilidade de condenação dos genitores pelo abandono
afetivo de sua prole, e, também, nos desdobramentos psicológicos acarretados ao menor diante
à ausência do – intrínseco, necessário e obrigatório – cuidado paterno-filial. Com efeito, para
além de um estudo jurídico, essa pesquisa buscou abranger os aspectos subjetivos/psíquicos,
isto é, a real – e de difícil percepção – extensão do dano gerado à criança ou adolescente pelo
abandono afetivo cometido pelos pais e, diante disso, detalhou a importância jurídica e social
da responsabilização e conscientização dos genitores pela prática do ilícito destacado, a fim de
punir e prevenir posteriores abandonos.
The objects of study of this research consisted in verifying the semantic difference between the words "love" and "care" and their respective practical effects, in the legal and jurisprudential analysis of the possibility of sentencing parents for abandoning their offspring affectionately, and, also, in the psychological consequences for the child in the absence of - intrinsic, necessary and obligatory - paternal-filial care. In effect, in addition to a legal study, this research sought to cover the subjective/psychic aspects, that is, the real - and imperceptible - extent of the damage generated to the child or adolescent by the affective abandonment committed by the parents and, therefore, detailed the legal and social importance of holding the parents accountable and raising their awareness for the practice of the illicit act highlighted, in order to punish and prevent futures abandonments.
The objects of study of this research consisted in verifying the semantic difference between the words "love" and "care" and their respective practical effects, in the legal and jurisprudential analysis of the possibility of sentencing parents for abandoning their offspring affectionately, and, also, in the psychological consequences for the child in the absence of - intrinsic, necessary and obligatory - paternal-filial care. In effect, in addition to a legal study, this research sought to cover the subjective/psychic aspects, that is, the real - and imperceptible - extent of the damage generated to the child or adolescent by the affective abandonment committed by the parents and, therefore, detailed the legal and social importance of holding the parents accountable and raising their awareness for the practice of the illicit act highlighted, in order to punish and prevent futures abandonments.
responsabilidade civil , abandono afetivo , cuidado , dano , civil responsibility , emotional abandonment , care , damage