Uma análise sobre o vínculo de trabalho dos motoristas da Uber
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Teles, Laura Assumpção
Zimmermann Neto, Carlos Frederico
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O objeto de estudo deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso é a análise da
existência, ou não, do vínculo empregatício entre o aplicativo desenvolvido pela
empresa Uber do Brasil Tecnologia LTDA. e os motoristas que escolhem se
inscrever na plataforma. A inovação tecnológica no que se refere ao transporte
privado individual ocasionou muitos questionamentos e conflitos. O aplicativo da
Uber foi instaurado em território nacional no ano de 2014 e a princípio, os motoristas
foram denominados como trabalhadores autônomos, já que grande parte da
Jurisprudência da época assim o entendia. Entretanto, após discussões a respeito
do tema ao longo dos anos, não é mais possível afirmar com clareza se os
motoristas são trabalhadores autônomos ou empregados, uma vez que alguns
Tribunal Federal do Trabalho entendem haver os requisitos indispensáveis no
vínculo empregatício descritos no artigo 3º da Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas
The object of study of this Course Completion Work is the analysis of the existence, or not, of the employment relationship between the Application developed by the company Uber do Brasil Tecnologia LTDA. and drivers who choose to subscribe to the Platform. Technological innovation with regard to individual private transport has given rise to many questions and conflicts. The Uber Application was introduced in the national territory in 2014 and, at first, drivers were referred to as self-employed workers, as much of the Jurisprudence of the time understood it. However, after discussing the subject over the years, it is no longer possible to clearly state whether the drivers are self-employed workers or employees, since some Federal Labor Courts understand that there are indispensable requirements in the employment relationship set forth in article 3 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).
The object of study of this Course Completion Work is the analysis of the existence, or not, of the employment relationship between the Application developed by the company Uber do Brasil Tecnologia LTDA. and drivers who choose to subscribe to the Platform. Technological innovation with regard to individual private transport has given rise to many questions and conflicts. The Uber Application was introduced in the national territory in 2014 and, at first, drivers were referred to as self-employed workers, as much of the Jurisprudence of the time understood it. However, after discussing the subject over the years, it is no longer possible to clearly state whether the drivers are self-employed workers or employees, since some Federal Labor Courts understand that there are indispensable requirements in the employment relationship set forth in article 3 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT).
aplicativo Uber , motoristas , vínculo empregatício , uber application , drivers , emplyment relationship