O impeachment e seu uso político no Brasil: análise do processo de impedimento da presidente Dilma Rousseff
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Pereira, Leonardo Silva Matos
Lorencini, Bruno César
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O presente trabalho monográfico trata do tema “O impeachment e seu uso político no
Brasil: Análise do processo de impedimento da Presidente Dilma Rousseff”. Pretendese,
à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, da crítica doutrinária, bem como da
jurisprudência, a evolução histórica que levou ao surgimento da corrupção no Brasil
e ocasionou o impeachment da presidente Dilma Vana Rousseff, suas causas e
consequências, a responsabilidade dos candidatos eleitos e a visão que a sociedade
civil possui acerca do cenário político atual. Para tanto, utiliza-se a metodologia de
pesquisa bibliográfica que consiste, basicamente, na leitura, fichamento e
comparação das teorias dos principais autores do Direito que tratam desse problema.
Parte-se do pressuposto de que tanto as instituições governantes (incluindo os três
poderes: Legislativo, Executivo e Judiciário) quanto a sociedade civil almejam um
cenário político mais idôneo com processo eleitoral legítimo. Dessa forma faz-se
interessante pormenorizar o tema, suas origens, causas e consequências.
The present study discuss about the theme “Impeachment and its political use in Brazil: Analysis of the process of Impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff”. It is intended, in the light of the Brazilian legal system, doctrinal criticism, as well as jurisprudence, the historical evolution that resulted in the emergence of corruption in Brazil and caused the Impeachment of President Dilma Vana Rousseff, your causes and consequences, the responsibility of elected candidates and the view that civil society has about the current political scenario. For that, the methodology of bibliographic research is used, which basically consists of reading, recording and comparing the theories of the main authors of Law that deal with this problem. Since that both the governing institutions (including the three powers: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary) and civil society aim for a more suitable political scenario with a legitimate electoral process. Thus, it is interesting to detail the theme, its origins, causes and consequences.
The present study discuss about the theme “Impeachment and its political use in Brazil: Analysis of the process of Impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff”. It is intended, in the light of the Brazilian legal system, doctrinal criticism, as well as jurisprudence, the historical evolution that resulted in the emergence of corruption in Brazil and caused the Impeachment of President Dilma Vana Rousseff, your causes and consequences, the responsibility of elected candidates and the view that civil society has about the current political scenario. For that, the methodology of bibliographic research is used, which basically consists of reading, recording and comparing the theories of the main authors of Law that deal with this problem. Since that both the governing institutions (including the three powers: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary) and civil society aim for a more suitable political scenario with a legitimate electoral process. Thus, it is interesting to detail the theme, its origins, causes and consequences.
impeachment , análise , política , analyse , politics