O direito dos animais na atualidade e as possíveis repercussões penais advindas do reconhecimento da senciência
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Narazaki, Larissa Pereira
Barone, Marcelo Luiz
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o presente estudo pretende entender os motivos pelos quais os direitos dos animais
estão em uma fase de mudanças, na qual é esperado que sejam reconhecidos uma gama maior
de direitos dos quais fazem jus, uma vez que são seres senciêntes, não meros objetos. Será
objeto do presente estudo as alterações legislativas atuais e seus possíveis impactos na
sociedade e no direito penal, de forma a endurecer o tratamento para aqueles que maltratam e
matam animais, com o fim de diminuir a incidência de casos de crimes praticados contra os
animais. Além da possibilidade de haver punições severas para aqueles que descumprirem às
leis de defesa dos animais.
the present study aims to understand the reasons why animal rights are in a phase of change, which is expected to recognize a wider range of rights to which they are entitled, since they are sentient beings, not mere objects. The current study will focus on current legislative changes and their possible impacts on society and Criminal Law, in order to harden the treatment for those who mistreat and kill animals, in order to reduce the incidence of cases of crimes against animals. In addition to the possibility of severe punishment for those who do not comply with animal protection laws.
the present study aims to understand the reasons why animal rights are in a phase of change, which is expected to recognize a wider range of rights to which they are entitled, since they are sentient beings, not mere objects. The current study will focus on current legislative changes and their possible impacts on society and Criminal Law, in order to harden the treatment for those who mistreat and kill animals, in order to reduce the incidence of cases of crimes against animals. In addition to the possibility of severe punishment for those who do not comply with animal protection laws.
direitos , animais , senciêntes , penalidade , rights , animals , sentience , punishment