Algoritmos discriminatórios: o reconhecimento facial na segurança pública
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Silva, Caroline Cristina da
Pereira, Flávio de Leão Bastos
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O escopo do presente trabalho analisará a implementação de tecnologias de reconhecimento
facial utilizadas na vigilância e segurança pública no Brasil. Tendo em vista o histórico do
Estado brasileiro, construído a partir da exploração dos corpos negros e indígenas, e o reflexo
que isso tem na segurança pública, que, historicamente, teve como intuito o controle e
subjugação da população negra do país. Razão pela qual, é necessária especial atenção na
forma que as ferramentas tecnológicas de reconhecimento facial vêm sendo implementadas.
Será indagado se os algoritmos de reconhecimento facial utilizados na segurança pública,
contribuem para formas de controle social, discriminatórias e racistas sob influência do
racismo estrutural presente em todas as relações político-sociais. Para esse questionamento,
utilizaram-se as metodologias dedutiva, histórica e monográfica. Além disso, foram
empregadas as técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Em síntese, foi possível
concluir que pessoas negras são, em números discrepantes, as maiores vítimas de violência
policial, e também de erros de reconhecimento facial, portanto, é necessária maior atenção do
Direito, para que a utilização dessas tecnologias observe o respeito a dignidade humana e as
garantias fundamentais que são para todos, de modo a evitar a reprodução de discursos
discriminatórios e racistas através dos algoritmos de decisão automatizada.
The scope of the present work aims to analyze the implementation of facial recognition technologies used in surveillance and security in Brazil. Because of the history of the Brazilian State, which was built from the exploitation of black and indigenous black bodies and the reflection that this has on public security, which, historically, aimed to control and subjugate the country's population. This is why special attention is needed in the form of facial recognition as a technological tool. Researchers and social thinkers have presented the public prejudices against facial recognition used, and represented, discriminatory and racist forms of social control under the social racism of Brazil. For this questioning, deductive, historical, and monographic methodologies were used. As well as bibliographic and document research techniques. In all possible, black people tend to be more vulnerable to errors in face recognition technologies mistakes for black, because of that, the Law system should pay more attention, and guarantee that human dignity and fundamental rights are respected to avoid the reproduction of discrimination in automatized decision algorithms.
The scope of the present work aims to analyze the implementation of facial recognition technologies used in surveillance and security in Brazil. Because of the history of the Brazilian State, which was built from the exploitation of black and indigenous black bodies and the reflection that this has on public security, which, historically, aimed to control and subjugate the country's population. This is why special attention is needed in the form of facial recognition as a technological tool. Researchers and social thinkers have presented the public prejudices against facial recognition used, and represented, discriminatory and racist forms of social control under the social racism of Brazil. For this questioning, deductive, historical, and monographic methodologies were used. As well as bibliographic and document research techniques. In all possible, black people tend to be more vulnerable to errors in face recognition technologies mistakes for black, because of that, the Law system should pay more attention, and guarantee that human dignity and fundamental rights are respected to avoid the reproduction of discrimination in automatized decision algorithms.
reconhecimento facial , discriminação , algoritmos , segurança pública , facial recognition , discrimination , algorithms , public safety