Hipóteses da aplicação da responsabilidade civil decorrente de erros causados pela utilização da inteligência artificial
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Boscaro, Bruno Caligari
Gomes, Julia Gebara
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O avanço da tecnologia ao longo do tempo está proporcionando diversos benefícios aos
indivíduos, destacando-se a inteligência artificial. Entretanto, apesar das diversas vantagens,
é importante considerar que podem cometer erros, o que levanta a questão da
responsabilidade civil nos casos de falhas da IA. Desse modo, o presente trabalho aborda a
aplicação da responsabilidade civil em situações em que sistemas de IA cometem erros,
questionando se a responsabilidade deve ser objetiva ou subjetiva, atribuindo-a ao produtor
ou ao usuário do sistema. O equilíbrio entre essas abordagens é um desafio que exige uma
consideração cuidadosa.
Com o constante avanço da inteligência artificial, é fundamental abordar questões jurídicas
relacionadas a essa evolução tecnológica, especialmente no cenário brasileiro, onde ainda
não há regulamentação sólida. Em outros países, como no Parlamento Europeu, já foram
emitidas resoluções que delineiam diretrizes para regulamentar a responsabilidade civil na
inteligência artificial, buscando um equilíbrio entre regulamentação e inovação, evitando
burocracias que possam prejudicar o crescimento do setor.
The advancement of technology over time is providing various benefits to individuals, with a notable focus on artificial intelligence. However, despite the numerous advantages, it is important to consider that errors can occur, raising the question of civil responsibility in cases of AI failures. Thus, this present work addresses the application of civil liability in situations where AI systems make errors, questioning whether responsibility should be objective or subjective, attributing it to the producer or the user of the system. Striking a balance between these approaches is a challenge that requires careful consideration. With the ongoing advancement of artificial intelligence, it is imperative to address legal issues related to this technological evolution, especially in the Brazilian context, where there is still no solid regulation. In other countries, such as the European Parliament, resolutions have already been issued outlining guidelines for regulating civil responsibility in artificial intelligence, aiming to strike a sensible balance between regulatory standards and necessary safety measures, thereby encouraging companies to continue innovating in their systems while ensuring they are not burdened by excessively complex bureaucracy that could hinder sector growth.
The advancement of technology over time is providing various benefits to individuals, with a notable focus on artificial intelligence. However, despite the numerous advantages, it is important to consider that errors can occur, raising the question of civil responsibility in cases of AI failures. Thus, this present work addresses the application of civil liability in situations where AI systems make errors, questioning whether responsibility should be objective or subjective, attributing it to the producer or the user of the system. Striking a balance between these approaches is a challenge that requires careful consideration. With the ongoing advancement of artificial intelligence, it is imperative to address legal issues related to this technological evolution, especially in the Brazilian context, where there is still no solid regulation. In other countries, such as the European Parliament, resolutions have already been issued outlining guidelines for regulating civil responsibility in artificial intelligence, aiming to strike a sensible balance between regulatory standards and necessary safety measures, thereby encouraging companies to continue innovating in their systems while ensuring they are not burdened by excessively complex bureaucracy that could hinder sector growth.
tecnologia , inteligência artificial , responsabilidade civil , inovação , technology , artificial intelligence , civil liability , innovation