Responsabilidade civil das instituições financeiras pelo “golpe do motoboy”
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Santos, Allana Cristina Maria
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo científico tem por objetivo analisar a responsabilidade civil das instituições financeiras pelo “Golpe do Motoboy”, espécie de fraude praticada em face de usuários de cartões de débito e ou crédito. Para tanto, a pesquisa envolveu o estudo doutrinário da responsabilidade civil dos bancos à luz do Código Civil e do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, o exame de acórdãos proferidos pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo no ano de 2019 a respeito do assunto, bem como a análise de normativos e súmulas aplicáveis ao contexto em questão. Dentre os resultados, observou-se que as características relacionadas à concretização da aplicação do golpe, envolvem o vazamento de dados sigilosos dos clientes bancários, bem como a falta de monitoramento das transações fraudulentas por parte dos bancos. Concluiu-se que a responsabilidade civil das instituições financeiras, diante de tais características, as quais evidenciam a falha na prestação dos serviços por parte destas, é objetiva nos termos do Código de Defesa do Consumidor.
The following scientific paper has the objective of analyzing the civil responsibility of financial institutions for the “Motoboy coup”, a kind of fraud that affect credit or debit card users. For this, the search involved the doctrinal study of civil responsibility from banks based on the Civil Code and Consumer Defense Code, the exam of the judgments made by the Justice Court from São Paulo in 2019 about this subject, as well as analyzing the normative rules and legal precedents applying to the context in matter. Among the results obtained, was observed that the characteristics to realize the application of coup, involve the leakage of sensitive data of banks’ customers, as well as the missing of monitoring from fraudulent transactions by the banks. It was concluded that the civil responsibility of financial institutions, under the characteristics, that showed the service failures get by the banks, is objective in the rules of Consumer Defense Code.
The following scientific paper has the objective of analyzing the civil responsibility of financial institutions for the “Motoboy coup”, a kind of fraud that affect credit or debit card users. For this, the search involved the doctrinal study of civil responsibility from banks based on the Civil Code and Consumer Defense Code, the exam of the judgments made by the Justice Court from São Paulo in 2019 about this subject, as well as analyzing the normative rules and legal precedents applying to the context in matter. Among the results obtained, was observed that the characteristics to realize the application of coup, involve the leakage of sensitive data of banks’ customers, as well as the missing of monitoring from fraudulent transactions by the banks. It was concluded that the civil responsibility of financial institutions, under the characteristics, that showed the service failures get by the banks, is objective in the rules of Consumer Defense Code.
“golpe do motoboy” , responsabilidade civil das instituições financeiras , fraude com cartão de crédito , fraude com cartão de débito , “motoboy coup” , financial institutions civil responsibility , credit card fraud , debit card fraud