A (in)constitucionalidade da aplicação do direito penal do inimigo no Brasil
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Santos, Camila Rodrigues
Knippel, Edson Luz
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A sociedade atual pode ser identificada como a sociedade do medo, que tem como uma de suas
principais funções semear e cultivar uma constante sensação de insegurança generalizada.
Embora essa sensação tenha diversos motivos de ser e existir – como a falta de direitos básicos
aos cidadãos – a tendência é que, com um induzimento midiático e político, ela se concentre
em uma só figura: a do inimigo criminoso, que seria o causador de todos os problemas sociais
existentes. Este trabalho, a partir de análises bibliográficas, tem como objetivo examinar a
figura do “inimigo” no Brasil, bem como a aplicabilidade – ainda que silenciosa – de um Direito
Penal do Inimigo no país. Por fim, serão brevemente analisadas as consequências
inconstitucionais da implementação deste tipo diferenciado de “direito” principalmente no que
diz respeito à “guerra contra as drogas” que é travada diariamente nas favelas do país.
Today's society can be identified as the society of fear, having as one of its main functions to soed and cultivate a constant sense of widespread insecurity. Although this feeling has several reasons to be and exist – such as the lack of basic rights to citizens – the tendency is that, with a media and political inducement, it focuses on one figure: the criminal enemy, who would be the cause of all existing social problems. This work, based on bibliographic analyses, aims to examine the figure of the "enemy" in Brazil, as well as the applicability – even if silent – of an Enemy Criminal Law in the country. Finally, it will soon be analyzed the unconstitutional consequences of the implementation of this differentiated type of "right" especially with regard to the "war on drugs" that is fought in the country's slums.
Today's society can be identified as the society of fear, having as one of its main functions to soed and cultivate a constant sense of widespread insecurity. Although this feeling has several reasons to be and exist – such as the lack of basic rights to citizens – the tendency is that, with a media and political inducement, it focuses on one figure: the criminal enemy, who would be the cause of all existing social problems. This work, based on bibliographic analyses, aims to examine the figure of the "enemy" in Brazil, as well as the applicability – even if silent – of an Enemy Criminal Law in the country. Finally, it will soon be analyzed the unconstitutional consequences of the implementation of this differentiated type of "right" especially with regard to the "war on drugs" that is fought in the country's slums.
direito penal do inimigo , sociedade do medo , direitos e garantias constitucionais , criminal law of the enemy , society of fear , constitutional rights and guarantees