Richard Shaull, um educador presbiteriano

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Garcia Junior, Colez
Mendes, Marcel
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Souza Neto, João Clemente de
Huff Júnior, Arnaldo Érico
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The research that gave origin to the present work is constituted from a document produced by Richard Shaull, missionary of the Presbyterian Church of the United States working in Brazil, when he occupied the vice-presidency of the Mackenzie Institute, in 1960-1961. Marcel Mendes, in his book Tempos de Transição (Transition Times) (2016), mentions the document, stating that it had not yet been the object of a critical analysis. The present work is proposed to carry out such an analysis. From this document, and taking into account the whole cultural biography of Shaull, it is sought to evaluate its pedagogical contribution, not as explored as theological aspect in the works on the said author. Recognizing the connection, also described as "porosity" in Shaull, between theology, missiology, eschatology, pedagogy and sociology, in a true interdisciplinarity, the work seeks to map Shaull's insights to education from his theological-missionary journey. In constructing such mapping, one starts with the educator's formation process, continuing with his academic and missionary experiences, considering the role played by his teachers and his students in his role as a social educator. Qualifying him as a social educator in his work, he seeks to bring his work closer to the theoretical framework represented by the work of Paulo Freire (1921-1997), a Brazilian educator with whom Shaull identifies himself. It is followed by the analysis of two documents: a) Shaull's prologue to the English version of Paulo Freire's A pedagogia do oprimido (The Pedagogy of the Oppressed); and (b) the Shaull’s report on the period in which he held the vice-chair of the Mackenzie Institute. The work is concluded, seeking to return to Shaull's insights identified throughout the text and to point out, from them, the paths that open them to an organic Christian activity in education.
Richard Shaull , teologia e educação , educação social
Assuntos Scopus
GARCIA JUNIOR, Colez. Richard Shaull, um educador presbiteriano. 2019. 150 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.