Análise das matrizes curriculares dos cursos superiores de Ciência da Computação sobre a ótica das soft skills: uma análise comparativa
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Seagull, Davi Gomes
Souza, Gisely Garcia Pereira
Souza, Gisely Garcia Pereira
Barros, Solange Duarte Palma de Sá
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O artigo destaca a importância das habilidades interpessoais, conhecidas como soft
skills, na formação dos profissionais de tecnologia. A pesquisa investigou se as
matrizes curriculares dos cursos de Ciência da Computação das principais
universidades de São Paulo abordam o desenvolvimento dessas habilidades. Os
resultados mostraram que as soft skills não são mencionadas nas diretrizes da
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, revelando uma lacuna na formação dos
alunos. No entanto, os coordenadores de curso reconhecem a importância dessas
habilidades, citando trabalho em equipe, inteligência emocional, comunicação e
empatia como as mais relevantes. A pesquisa também identificou que as
universidades estão alinhadas com as recomendações do Fórum Econômico
Mundial sobre habilidades futuras. O estudo ressalta a necessidade de promover o
ensino e desenvolvimento das soft skills na formação dos profissionais de tecnologia.
The article highlights the importance of interpersonal skills, known as soft skills, in the education of technology professionals. The research investigated whether the curriculum of Computer Science courses in the main universities in São Paulo addresses the development of these skills. The results showed that soft skills are not mentioned in the guidelines of the Brazilian Computing Society, revealing a gap in students' education. However, course coordinators acknowledge the importance of these skills, citing teamwork, emotional intelligence, communication, and empathy as the most relevant ones. The research also identified that universities are aligned with the recommendations of the World Economic Forum on future skills. The study emphasizes the need to promote the teaching and development of soft skills in the education of technology professionals.
The article highlights the importance of interpersonal skills, known as soft skills, in the education of technology professionals. The research investigated whether the curriculum of Computer Science courses in the main universities in São Paulo addresses the development of these skills. The results showed that soft skills are not mentioned in the guidelines of the Brazilian Computing Society, revealing a gap in students' education. However, course coordinators acknowledge the importance of these skills, citing teamwork, emotional intelligence, communication, and empathy as the most relevant ones. The research also identified that universities are aligned with the recommendations of the World Economic Forum on future skills. The study emphasizes the need to promote the teaching and development of soft skills in the education of technology professionals.
soft skills , tecnologia , ciência da computação , ensino , soft skills , technology , computer science , education