A introdução do acordo de não persecução penal no ordenamento jurídico: uma análise acerca da justiça consensual criminal brasileira e a mitigação do princípio da obrigatoriedade da ação penal
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Castro, Marcela Ortega
Azevedo, André Boiani e
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O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar o novo instrumento penal de justiça
consensual, o Acordo de Não Persecução Penal (ANPP), que contribui para o processo de
desjudicialização dos conflitos penais. Para tanto, resolve esmiuçar e verificar a aplicabilidade
do instituto à luz do modelo consensual de justiça criminal - aprofundando-se na possível
mitigação do princípio da obrigatoriedade, dado como princípio basilar das ações penais
públicas - bem como analisar reflexos desta flexibilização.
Nesta senda, a presente pesquisa utilizará o método de revisão de literatura priorizando, mas
não exaurindo, a doutrina processual penal nacional.
Preliminarmente, será feito um breve panorama sobre as experiências estrangeiras com
institutos despenalizadores. Em seguida, o foco será analisar as experiências brasileiras à luz
dos já existentes institutos da justiça penal negocial e, ainda nesta toada, o histórico do ANPP
no Brasil e os seus atuais requisitos e efeitos. Por fim, analisar-se-á os princípios da
obrigatoriedade e da oportunidade da ação penal e a aplicação no novel ANPP.
This paper aims to study the Non-Prosecution Agreement, which contributes to the process of dejudicialization of criminal conflicts, in order to verify it’s the applicability in light of the consensual model of criminal justice and the principle of mandatory prosecution, which is given as a basic principle of public criminal actions, as well as reflections of this flexibility. So, the present research will use the literature review method, prioritizing, but not exhausting, the national criminal procedural doctrine. Preliminarily, will be made a brief overview of foreign experiences with decriminalizing institutes. Then, the focus will be to analyze Brazilian experiences with the already existing institutes in the consensual criminal justice. In this light, the history of the ANPP in Brazil and its current requirements and effects. Finally, the principles of mandatory and timely criminal action and application in the ANPP will be analyzed.
This paper aims to study the Non-Prosecution Agreement, which contributes to the process of dejudicialization of criminal conflicts, in order to verify it’s the applicability in light of the consensual model of criminal justice and the principle of mandatory prosecution, which is given as a basic principle of public criminal actions, as well as reflections of this flexibility. So, the present research will use the literature review method, prioritizing, but not exhausting, the national criminal procedural doctrine. Preliminarily, will be made a brief overview of foreign experiences with decriminalizing institutes. Then, the focus will be to analyze Brazilian experiences with the already existing institutes in the consensual criminal justice. In this light, the history of the ANPP in Brazil and its current requirements and effects. Finally, the principles of mandatory and timely criminal action and application in the ANPP will be analyzed.
acordo de não persecução penal , justiça consensual penal , princípio da obrigatoriedade , princípio da oportunidade , criminal non-prosecution agreement , consensual criminal justice , principle of mandatory prosecution , principle of criminal opportunity