Todo poder emana do povo? Análise sobre o filtro estatal no poder soberano do povo
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Silva, Tayná dos Santos Vieira da
Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
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Nos termos da Constituição Federal, “todo o poder emana do povo, que o exerce por meio de representantes eleitos ou diretamente”. No entanto, quando a mesma Constituição elenca algumas das inelegibilidades políticas, não estaria obstando o pleno direito do povo de eleger aqueles que, segundo o texto legal, não seriam elegíveis? O presente estudo visa abordar uma análise sobre o filtro estatal no poder soberano do povo, discorrendo, neste sentido, que o poder de escolha do povo não é tão amplo quanto a Constituição demonstra ser.
Under the terms of the Federal Constitution, "all power emanates from the people, who exercise it through elected representatives or directly." However, as the same Constitution lists some of the political ineligibilities, would not be blocking the full right of the people to elect those who, according to the legal text, would not be eligible? The present study aims to address an analysis of the state filter in the sovereign power of the people, arguing in this sense that the power of choice of the people is not as broad as the Constitution proves to be.
Under the terms of the Federal Constitution, "all power emanates from the people, who exercise it through elected representatives or directly." However, as the same Constitution lists some of the political ineligibilities, would not be blocking the full right of the people to elect those who, according to the legal text, would not be eligible? The present study aims to address an analysis of the state filter in the sovereign power of the people, arguing in this sense that the power of choice of the people is not as broad as the Constitution proves to be.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2019.
poder , povo , democracia , inelegibilidade , estado , filtro , power , people , democracy , ineligibility