A responsabilidade civil nos casos de abandono afetivo parental
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Romano, Tamires Pereira da Silva
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente estudo tem como objetivo demonstrar a Responsabilidade Civil nos casos de abandono afetivo parental, considerado um tema novo dentro do Direito Civil, especialmente no Direito de Família e, como isso interfere nos vínculos familiares. A abordagem inicia-se com os pais, no papel de genitores, que acabam por abandonando seus filhos, e estes auferem oportunidades de recorrer ao judiciário para pleitear indenização pelo dano moral causado. O dano moral pode resultar em crianças envolvidas com sentimentos de frustrações, insatisfações e tristezas. Além disso, pode causar sérios problemas psicológicos e até mesmo levá-las à criminalidade. Por se tratar de um tema relativamente novo, ainda não foi pacificado pela maioria dos Tribunais no Brasil, no qual tratam tal matéria como um direito subjetivo, ou seja, depende da vontade do indivíduo ou de determinada conduta prevista em lei.
The present study aims to demonstrate the Civil Responsibility in cases of parental affective abandonment, considered a new topic within the Civil Law, especially in Family Law, and how this interferes in family ties. The approach begins with the parents as parents, who eventually abandon their children, and they have opportunities to appeal to the judiciary to seek compensation for the moral damage caused. Moral damage can result in children involved with feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction and sadness. In addition, it can cause serious psychological problems and even lead to criminality. Because it is a relatively new issue, it has not yet been pacified by the majority of Courts in Brazil, in which they treat such matter as a subjective right, that is, it depends on the will of the individual or certain conduct provided for by law.
The present study aims to demonstrate the Civil Responsibility in cases of parental affective abandonment, considered a new topic within the Civil Law, especially in Family Law, and how this interferes in family ties. The approach begins with the parents as parents, who eventually abandon their children, and they have opportunities to appeal to the judiciary to seek compensation for the moral damage caused. Moral damage can result in children involved with feelings of frustration, dissatisfaction and sadness. In addition, it can cause serious psychological problems and even lead to criminality. Because it is a relatively new issue, it has not yet been pacified by the majority of Courts in Brazil, in which they treat such matter as a subjective right, that is, it depends on the will of the individual or certain conduct provided for by law.
direito de família , responsabilidade civil , criança , abandono afetivo , indenização , family law , civil responsability , kid , affective abandonment , indemnity