O negro como agente de transformação histórica: uma análise racial no âmbito constitucional brasileiro
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Gonçalves, Rachel Costa da Silva
Moreira, Adilson José
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso pretende adentrar no debate da desigualdade racial
no Brasil em seu âmbito normativo e constitucional. A partir desse ponto, iremos discorrer o
período da escravidão até os dias de hoje, de modo que possamos enxergar que vários foram os
obstáculos enfrentados pela população negra para a conquista de sua cidadania durante sua
trajetória, como a própria ideologia liberal, as teorias racistas ou mesmo o mito da democracia
racial. Para tanto, analisaremos histórias de determinados personagens e, a partir do storytelling,
mostraremos como essas pessoas sentiram, pensaram e reagiram contra o racismo. Veremos
que esses indivíduos específicos contribuíram, através de sua luta política, jurídica ou mesmo
literária, para a reafirmação dos princípios democráticos e republicanos ao longo de sua
existência, como à liberdade, igualdade, cidadania e o voto. A narrativa atribuirá aos membros
dos grupos raciais subordinados, constantemente silenciados e excluídos, um papel de destaque,
no qual será possível ver a importância de vidas negras no processo de formação da cultura
constitucional do país. Fugiremos, portanto, das narrativas tradicionais formuladas pelos grupos
dominantes que desconsideram as contribuições dadas pelos grupos minoritários na formação
da base cultural, política e jurídica brasileira. Isto porque, os membros de grupos detentores de
poder econômico e político fazem emergir suas próprias experiências e ideologias, tornando
inválidas todas as outras. Logo, o objetivo deste trabalho é se insurgir em relação a um tipo de
história do direito constitucional que não leva em consideração a forma como afro-brasileiros
operaram para a realização dos princípios da cultura constitucional, através da luta da cidadania
e pela reafirmação dos princípios republicanos e democráticos no Brasil, razão pela qual
mostraremos como a luta dessas pessoas foi essencial para que houvesse uma verdadeira
mudança em sua condição histórica.
This work aims to address the racial inequality debate in Brazil in its normative and constitutional scope. Then, the period from slavery until the present day is going to be discussed, allowing us to realize that black people encountered several obstacles to conquer their citizenship throughout their trajectories, such as the liberal ideology itself, racist theories, or even the myth of racial democracy. For that aim, we are going to analyze stories about some fictional characters, and, from the storytelling, it will be shown what these people felt and thought and how they reacted against racism. It will be possible to observe that these specific individuals contributed, through their political, legal, or even literary fight, to reaffirm republican and constitutional principles along with their existence, such as freedom, equality, citizenship, and power to vote. The narrative attributes to the subordinate members of the racial groups, constantly silenced and excluded, the leading role, from which the importance of black lives in the process of forming the legal culture in the country will be highlighted. We are going to refute, therefore, the traditional narratives formulated by the dominant groups since they do not consider the contributions given by the minorities in the formation of Brazilian cultural, political, and legal basis. This because the members of groups constituted by economic and political powerholders reflect their own experiences and ideologies, invalidating all the others. Thus, the main goal of this work is to stand against a type of constitutional law history, which does not take into account the way that Afro-Brazilians operate for the achievement of principles from the constitutional culture, using their fight as citizens and reaffirming republican and democratic principles in Brazil. For this reason, we are going to demonstrate how these people's efforts were essential for a true change in their historical condition.
This work aims to address the racial inequality debate in Brazil in its normative and constitutional scope. Then, the period from slavery until the present day is going to be discussed, allowing us to realize that black people encountered several obstacles to conquer their citizenship throughout their trajectories, such as the liberal ideology itself, racist theories, or even the myth of racial democracy. For that aim, we are going to analyze stories about some fictional characters, and, from the storytelling, it will be shown what these people felt and thought and how they reacted against racism. It will be possible to observe that these specific individuals contributed, through their political, legal, or even literary fight, to reaffirm republican and constitutional principles along with their existence, such as freedom, equality, citizenship, and power to vote. The narrative attributes to the subordinate members of the racial groups, constantly silenced and excluded, the leading role, from which the importance of black lives in the process of forming the legal culture in the country will be highlighted. We are going to refute, therefore, the traditional narratives formulated by the dominant groups since they do not consider the contributions given by the minorities in the formation of Brazilian cultural, political, and legal basis. This because the members of groups constituted by economic and political powerholders reflect their own experiences and ideologies, invalidating all the others. Thus, the main goal of this work is to stand against a type of constitutional law history, which does not take into account the way that Afro-Brazilians operate for the achievement of principles from the constitutional culture, using their fight as citizens and reaffirming republican and democratic principles in Brazil. For this reason, we are going to demonstrate how these people's efforts were essential for a true change in their historical condition.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC pela banca examinadora.
discriminação racial , movimento negro , constituição , igualdade , racial discrimination , black movement , constitution , equality