Progressão histórica da súmula vinculante: análise jurídica e da experiência do Supremo Tribunal Federal
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Tasso, Marcela Cristina
Avelino, Pedro Buck
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O presente artigo, sob utilização da metodologia dogmática, tem como objeto o
estudo do instituto da súmula vinculante, que passou a integrar o ordenamento jurídico
brasileiro por meio da Emenda Constitucional nº 45, de 30 de dezembro de 2004 e
posteriormente pela Lei nº 11.417, de 19 de dezembro de 2006. Pretende o estudo expor a
progressão histórica percorrida pelo referido instituto até, finalmente, a aprovação da sua
previsão legal na Constituição Federal de 1988 e, ainda, esclarecer o teor das manifestações dos
juristas que travaram - e ainda travam - discussões resultantes de divergentes entendimentos
quanto à constitucionalidade do referido instituto jurídico, apresentando os principais
argumentos utilizados nas defesas das referidas teses. Também é objeto do presente artigo,
mediante utilização da metodologia empírica, a análise do resultado da aplicação da súmula
vinculante pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, até hoje, a fim de relatar a experiência do Brasil
com o instituto
This article, by using the dogmatic methodology, has as it’s object the study of the binding decision institute, which has been incorporated by the brazilian legal order through the Constitucional Amendment nº 45, from december 30th of 2004 and subsequently through the Law nº 11.417, from december 19th of 2006. The study aims to expose the historical progression crossed by the referred institute untill, finally, its approval on the Federal Constitucion of 1988 and, yet, to clarify the content of the demonstrations from the jurists that waged – and still wage – discussions resulting from divergend understandings as to the constitutionality of the referred institute, presenting the main arguments used in the defense of their theses. It is also the subject of this article, by using the empirical methodolody, the analysis of the binding decision application result by the Brazil’s Supreme Court, untill today, in order to report the experience that Brazil has been attending with the institute
This article, by using the dogmatic methodology, has as it’s object the study of the binding decision institute, which has been incorporated by the brazilian legal order through the Constitucional Amendment nº 45, from december 30th of 2004 and subsequently through the Law nº 11.417, from december 19th of 2006. The study aims to expose the historical progression crossed by the referred institute untill, finally, its approval on the Federal Constitucion of 1988 and, yet, to clarify the content of the demonstrations from the jurists that waged – and still wage – discussions resulting from divergend understandings as to the constitutionality of the referred institute, presenting the main arguments used in the defense of their theses. It is also the subject of this article, by using the empirical methodolody, the analysis of the binding decision application result by the Brazil’s Supreme Court, untill today, in order to report the experience that Brazil has been attending with the institute
súmula vinculante , regulamentação , efeitos , análise da aplicação , binding decision , regulation , effects , application analysis