Os impactos do vínculo de emprego nos serviços intermediados por plataformas digitais
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Ramos Junior, Arnaldo de Souza
Theophilo Neto, Nuncio
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Em meados da década passada, foram propostas as primeiras ações trabalhistas
envolvendo a discussão acerca da existência de vínculo empregatício entre os prestadores de
serviço usuários de plataformas digitais intermediadoras dos serviços por eles prestados e as
empresas por trás da tecnologia. Considerando que, a princípio, a natureza jurídica da relação
estabelecida entre os prestadores de serviço e as plataformas digitais se revestiria de natureza
civil, uma vez partindo-se da premissa de que tais prestadores de serviço seriam trabalhadores
autônomos, o cerne da discussão na Justiça do Trabalho seria justamente a validação da relação
de trabalho estabelecida ou o reconhecimento da existência de vínculo de emprego. Nos termos
dos artigos 2º e 3º da CLT, o vínculo empregatício se estabelece a partir do preenchimento de
quatro requisitos, sendo eles: a pessoalidade, a habitualidade, a onerosidade e, principalmente,
a subordinação. Dessa forma, este trabalho pretende apresentar os pressupostos da relação de
emprego e a aplicação de tais requisitos à dinâmica existente na prestação de serviços por
usuários de plataformas digitais para o fim de reconhecimento da natureza jurídica da relação
estabelecida, considerando a interpretação jurisprudencial formada até o momento e as suas
In the middle of the last decade, were proposed the first labor lawsuits involving the discussion about the existence of an employment relationship between service providers that use digital platforms intermediating the services they provide and the companies behind the technology. Considering that, in principle, the legal nature of the relationship established between service providers and digital platforms would be of a civil nature, since the premise that such service providers would be self-employed workers, the core of the discussion in Labor Justice would be precisely the validation of the established employment relationship or the recognition of the existence of an employment bond. Under the terms of articles 2 and 3 of the CLT, the employment relationship is established from the fulfillment of four requirements, namely: personality, habituality, onerosity and, mainly, subordination. In this way, this work intends to present the assumptions of the employment relationship and the application of such requirements to the existing dynamics in the provision of services by users of digital platforms for the purpose of recognizing the legal nature of the relationship established, considering the jurisprudential interpretation formed until the moment and its consequences.
In the middle of the last decade, were proposed the first labor lawsuits involving the discussion about the existence of an employment relationship between service providers that use digital platforms intermediating the services they provide and the companies behind the technology. Considering that, in principle, the legal nature of the relationship established between service providers and digital platforms would be of a civil nature, since the premise that such service providers would be self-employed workers, the core of the discussion in Labor Justice would be precisely the validation of the established employment relationship or the recognition of the existence of an employment bond. Under the terms of articles 2 and 3 of the CLT, the employment relationship is established from the fulfillment of four requirements, namely: personality, habituality, onerosity and, mainly, subordination. In this way, this work intends to present the assumptions of the employment relationship and the application of such requirements to the existing dynamics in the provision of services by users of digital platforms for the purpose of recognizing the legal nature of the relationship established, considering the jurisprudential interpretation formed until the moment and its consequences.
prestadores de serviço , plataformas digitais , vínculo de emprego , justiça do trabalho , service providers , digital platforms , employment bond , labor justice