O direito ao esquecimento no contexto brasileiro
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Santos, Pedro Vinicius dos
Menezes, Daniel Francisco Nagao
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise do fenômeno “Direito ao Esquecimento”
na esfera social, com base nas alterações históricas, assim como no âmbito jurisdicional,
com base em julgados internacionais e nacionais referentes a este tema, evidenciando o
conflito entre direitos constitucionais de mesma hierarquia sendo estes: a Liberdade de
Expressão e o Direito a privacidade. As mudanças sociais do modo de tratamento da
informação, bem como a aplicação do chamado Direito ao Esquecimento no contexto
mundial e brasileiro, explorando a hermenêutica dos casos de análise apresentados tanto
no âmbito nacional quanto internacional, realizando considerações quando as decisões de
The present work aims to analyze the phenomenon "Right to Oblivion" in the social sphere, from historical changes, as well as in the jurisdictional scope, from international and national judgments on this subject, evidencing the conflict between constitutional rights of the same hierarchy. These being: Freedom of Expression and Right to Privacy. Social changes in the form of information processing, as well as the application of the socalled Right to Oblivion in the global and Brazilian context, exploring the hermeneutics of the analysis cases presented both at national and international levels, making considerations when applicability decisions.
The present work aims to analyze the phenomenon "Right to Oblivion" in the social sphere, from historical changes, as well as in the jurisdictional scope, from international and national judgments on this subject, evidencing the conflict between constitutional rights of the same hierarchy. These being: Freedom of Expression and Right to Privacy. Social changes in the form of information processing, as well as the application of the socalled Right to Oblivion in the global and Brazilian context, exploring the hermeneutics of the analysis cases presented both at national and international levels, making considerations when applicability decisions.
direito ao esquecimento , aplicação nacional do esquecimento , aplicação internacional do esquecimento , right to be oblivion , national application of forgetting , international application of forgetting