A subjetividade das decisões indenizatórias de dano moral em casos de coalisão entre os direitos da privacidade e informação
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Silva, Gabriel Lopez Falcato Saragoça
Lima, Fernando Rister de Sousa
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A presente monografia tratará da subjetividade do magistrado a luz do ensejo do dano
moral, considerando a postura mais ativista que o judiciário tem adotado. Pretendese
responder: Como a subjetividade das decisões do judiciário, especialmente do
Superior Tribunal de Justiça, podem afetar o entendimento jurídico sobre os danos
morais quando relacionados aos direitos à privacidade e à informação? Abordar-se-á
os possíveis impactos (positivos e negativos) de decisões subjetivas, buscando trazer
para a discussão a questão da imparcialidade das decisões judiciais que envolvem o
dano moral à luz dos direitos de informação e privacidade. A metodologia do estudo
será pela abordagem de revisão bibliográfica e análise de julgados do Superior
Tribunal de Justiça e de Tribunais Estaduais, em particular, o Tribunal de Justiça de
São Paulo, como forma de demostrar a influência da jurisprudência dos Tribunais
Superiores. Por fim, a monografia tratará de demonstrar que a subjetividade pode ser
considerada um avanço para o sistema judiciário e para a manutenção do sistema
democrático, sem que isso deixe de considerar a norma, o devido processo legal e
This paper will deal with the subjectivity of the magistrate in the light of the opportunity for moral damage, considering the more activist stance adopted by the judiciary. It intends to answer: How can the subjectivity of the decisions of the judiciary, especially the Superior Court of Justice, affect the legal understanding of moral damages when related to the rights to privacy and information? The possible impacts (positive and negative) of subjective decisions will be addressed, seeking to bring to discussion, the issue of impartiality of judicial decisions and to conceptualize moral damage in the light of fundamental rights. The study’s methodology will be executed through bibliographic review and analysis of decisions of the Superior Court of Justice and State Courts, especially the Court of Justice of São Paulo, as a way of demonstrating the influence of the jurisprudence of the Superior Courts. Finally, the paper will try to demonstrate that subjectivity can be considered an advance for the judicial system and for the maintenance of the democratic system, without neglecting the norm, due process and constitution.
This paper will deal with the subjectivity of the magistrate in the light of the opportunity for moral damage, considering the more activist stance adopted by the judiciary. It intends to answer: How can the subjectivity of the decisions of the judiciary, especially the Superior Court of Justice, affect the legal understanding of moral damages when related to the rights to privacy and information? The possible impacts (positive and negative) of subjective decisions will be addressed, seeking to bring to discussion, the issue of impartiality of judicial decisions and to conceptualize moral damage in the light of fundamental rights. The study’s methodology will be executed through bibliographic review and analysis of decisions of the Superior Court of Justice and State Courts, especially the Court of Justice of São Paulo, as a way of demonstrating the influence of the jurisprudence of the Superior Courts. Finally, the paper will try to demonstrate that subjectivity can be considered an advance for the judicial system and for the maintenance of the democratic system, without neglecting the norm, due process and constitution.
subjetividade , dano moral , direito constitucional magistrado , STJ , subjectivity , moral damage , constitutional law magistrate , STF