A efetividade das ferramentas de localização de bens penhoráveis em execuções para pagamento de quantia e a necessária adequação destas aos impactos do desenvolvimento tecnológico
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Muraoka, Milena Mayumi
Cracken, Roberto Nussinkis Mac
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Membros da banca
A crescente evolução do setor tecnológico trouxe drásticas mudanças nas relações
sociais da contemporaneidade. Isso impõe necessário estudo no campo do direito, como produto
dessas relações socioculturais, uma vez que a inovação em áreas de tecnologia representa, por um
lado, novas ferramentas em benefício do Estado na tutela dos direitos de seus cidadãos e, por outro
lado, a diversificação dos meios para a ocultação de patrimônio do devedor. Dessa forma,
considerando que as execuções civis por quantia representam verdadeiro gargalo nas ações
judiciais no Brasil e que o acesso à justiça compreende necessariamente a efetividade do processo
por meio da entrega e satisfação de uma tutela jurisdicional adequada, o presente estudo fará uma
abordagem sistemática dos princípios que norteiam o processo de execução e examinará as
ferramentas utilizadas para a pesquisa de bens penhoráveis do devedor na jurisprudência do
Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo.
The growing evolution of the technological sector has brought drastic changes in contemporary social relations. This requires study in the field of law, as a product of these sociocultural relations, since innovation in areas of technology represents, on the one hand, new tools for the benefit of the State in the protection of the rights of its citizens and, on the other hand, the diversification of the means for concealing the debtor's assets. In this way, considering that the executions are real obstacles of the civil courts in Brazil, which represents a process of judicial protection of the delivery, presented an adequate study for the access to the delivery justice and that represents an adequate process for the access to the delivery justice presents a study that will make a systematic approach to the means of delivery. principles that guide the execution process and analyzing the instruments used for a search of the debtor's seizable assets in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo.
The growing evolution of the technological sector has brought drastic changes in contemporary social relations. This requires study in the field of law, as a product of these sociocultural relations, since innovation in areas of technology represents, on the one hand, new tools for the benefit of the State in the protection of the rights of its citizens and, on the other hand, the diversification of the means for concealing the debtor's assets. In this way, considering that the executions are real obstacles of the civil courts in Brazil, which represents a process of judicial protection of the delivery, presented an adequate study for the access to the delivery justice and that represents an adequate process for the access to the delivery justice presents a study that will make a systematic approach to the means of delivery. principles that guide the execution process and analyzing the instruments used for a search of the debtor's seizable assets in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo.
execução , civil , efetividade , enforcement , civil , effectiveness