Direito à educação: a responsabilidade do estado para o auxílio à educação de crianças autistas nas escolas brasileiras
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Silva, Bianca Ruiz
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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O presente trabalho tem como intuito analisar sobre a responsabilidade do estado ao auxílio à educação inclusiva de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista nas instituições de ensino nacionais, através de dispositivos legais que integram o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, principalmente o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), Lei nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990, a Lei nº 12.764, de 27 de dezembro de 2012 ( Lei Berenice Piana) e o Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência, Lei nº 13.146 de 06 de julho de 2015, bem como métodos de análise bibliográfica e comparativa, afim de elucidar as divergências entre as necessidades de crianças sem e com o Transtorno do Espectro Autista para o aprendizado, além do que está previsto na legislação e a realidade das instituições de ensino, demonstrando como o Estado, bem como os princípios norteadores da educação e do direito da criança e do adolescente podem auxiliar na garantia de direitos e no combate de eventuais infrações, resguardando o direito à educação de qualidade a esta parcela da população.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the responsibility of the state to support the inclusive education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in national educational institutions, through legal provisions that are part of the Brazilian legal system, mainly the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), Law No. 8,069 of July 13, 1990, Law No. 12,764 of December 27, 2012 (Berenice Piana Law) and the Statute of Persons with Disabilities, Law No. 13,146 of July 6, 2015, as well as bibliographic and comparative analysis methods, in order to elucidate the differences between the learning needs of children without and with Autism Spectrum Disorder, in addition to what is provided for in the legislation and the reality of educational institutions, demonstrating how the State, as well as the guiding principles of education and the rights of children and adolescents, can help guarantee rights and combat possible infractions, safeguarding the right to quality education for this part of the population.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the responsibility of the state to support the inclusive education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in national educational institutions, through legal provisions that are part of the Brazilian legal system, mainly the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA), Law No. 8,069 of July 13, 1990, Law No. 12,764 of December 27, 2012 (Berenice Piana Law) and the Statute of Persons with Disabilities, Law No. 13,146 of July 6, 2015, as well as bibliographic and comparative analysis methods, in order to elucidate the differences between the learning needs of children without and with Autism Spectrum Disorder, in addition to what is provided for in the legislation and the reality of educational institutions, demonstrating how the State, as well as the guiding principles of education and the rights of children and adolescents, can help guarantee rights and combat possible infractions, safeguarding the right to quality education for this part of the population.
direito da criança e do adolescente , transtorno do espectro autista , educação inclusiva , instituições de ensino , child and adolescent rights , autism spectrum disorder , inclusive education , educational institutions