O Instituto da Colaboração Premiada mediante as ações por ato de improbidade administrativa
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Khalil, Enzo Guilherme Edwards de Medeiros
Felberg, Rodrigo
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No Brasil, a colaboração premiada é um tema com evidente destaque, principalmente
após a Operação Lava Jato e sua fama em todo o país e ao redor do mundo, veiculada
excessivamente pela mídia nacional e estrangeira. Neste artigo discutiremos acerca da
utilização da colaboração como forma de obtenção de prova e a possibilidade de estender os
efeitos desta colaboração premiada para além do que foi convencionado no acordo, dando
enfoque nos processos por ato de improbidade administrativa.
In Brazil, the award-winning collaboration is a topic with evident prominence, especially after Lava Jato Operation and its fame throughout the country and around the world, broadcast excessively by national and foreign media. In this article, we will discuss the use of collaboration as a way of obtaining evidence and the possibility of extending the effects of this award-winning collaboration beyond what was agreed in the agreement, focusing on proceedings for an act of administrative improbity.
In Brazil, the award-winning collaboration is a topic with evident prominence, especially after Lava Jato Operation and its fame throughout the country and around the world, broadcast excessively by national and foreign media. In this article, we will discuss the use of collaboration as a way of obtaining evidence and the possibility of extending the effects of this award-winning collaboration beyond what was agreed in the agreement, focusing on proceedings for an act of administrative improbity.
colaboração premiada , extensão , extrapenal , award-winning collaboration , extension , extra-criminal