A distinção entre os institutos da guarda compartilhada e guarda alternada sob a ótica do poder familiar
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Saggia, Luigi Giorgio Oliveira
Aguirre, João Ricardo Brandão
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O poder familiar, anteriormente denominado “pátrio poder” e hodiernamente positivado no art. 1.634, do Código Civil, representa um conjunto de direitos e obrigações a serem exercidos pelos pais em relação aos filhos. Conforme se observa do inciso II, de referido artigo da legislação cível, a guarda constitui uma das formas de exercê-lo. No ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, há a previsão das modalidades de guarda compartilhada e unilateral, além da guarda alternada, oriunda de criação doutrinária e jurisprudencial. O poder familiar, naturalmente, passa a ser exercido de forma distinta a depender da guarda adotada pelos genitores. Propõe-se, assim, apresentar reflexões e analisar o exercício da corresponsabilidade parental na guarda compartilhada e alternada e, nesse sentido, verificar qual modalidade melhor proporciona aos genitores o seu desempenho, de modo a garantir o bem-estar físico e mental dos infantes, prezando pelo princípio da proteção integral.
Parental authority, once known as "patria potestas" and now codified in Section 1.634 of the Civil Code, encompasses a series of rights and duties that parents have concerning their children. As evidenced in Subsection II of this section, child custody is one way in which parental authority is exercised. In the Brazilian legal framework, provisions exist for shared, sole, and alternating custody, influenced by expert theories and case law. The manifestation of parental authority naturally varies based on the custody arrangement chosen by the parents. This article aims to examine the practice of parental authority in both shared and alternating custody scenarios. In doing so, it seeks to determine which arrangement best ensures the physical and psychological well-being of the child, in light of the principles underpinning the child protection system.
Parental authority, once known as "patria potestas" and now codified in Section 1.634 of the Civil Code, encompasses a series of rights and duties that parents have concerning their children. As evidenced in Subsection II of this section, child custody is one way in which parental authority is exercised. In the Brazilian legal framework, provisions exist for shared, sole, and alternating custody, influenced by expert theories and case law. The manifestation of parental authority naturally varies based on the custody arrangement chosen by the parents. This article aims to examine the practice of parental authority in both shared and alternating custody scenarios. In doing so, it seeks to determine which arrangement best ensures the physical and psychological well-being of the child, in light of the principles underpinning the child protection system.
poder familiar , guarda compartilhada , guarda alternada , parental authority , shared custody , alternating custody