A influência do Poder Executivo no Sistema Judiciário: uma comparação entre os Estados Unidos da América e o Brasil
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Manfredini, Maria Augusta de Oliveira Cunha
Aranha Filho, Adalberto José Queiroz Telles de Camargo
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O presente artigo discorre sobre a crise atual nos países presidencialistas e sua
tripartição de Poderes, com um enfoque na interferência do Poder Executivo no Poder
Judiciário. Para isso utiliza-se como metodologia de estudo o direito comparado entre os
Estados Unidos da América e o Brasil, por pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial. Na
primeira parte será estudado o que diferencia os países presidencialistas e parlamentaristas de
acordo com sua formação histórica. Em seguida, será abordado o método de eleição dos
membros do Poder Executivo em ambos os países, assim como suas condições. Finalmente,
será desenvolvido e examinado o ponto de crise encontrado na intersecção do Executivo com
o Judiciário em cada um dos países, recaindo sobre o poder de remoção de membros do
sistema jurídico no caso americano e a indicação dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal
no caso brasileiro. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o acréscimo da politização no Judiciário
e os defeitos nas delimitações e responsabilidades de cada um dos três Poderes. Concluindose
a necessidade de equilíbrio entre os mesmos e suas jurisdições, especialmente no cenário
político atual.
This article discusses the current crisis in presidential countries and their tripartition of Powers, focusing on the interference of the Executive in the Judiciary. The comparative law between the United States of America and Brazil, by bibliographical and jurisprudential research was used as methodology of study. In the first part, it will be studied what differentiates presidential and parliamentary countries according to their historical formation. Then, the method of election of the members of the Executive Branch in both countries, as well as their conditions, will be discussed. Finally, the point of crisis found at the intersection of the Executive and the Judiciary in each country will be developed and examined, regarding the power of removal of members of the legal system in the American case and the appointment of the ministers of the Supreme Court in the Brazilian case. The obtained results demonstrate the increase of the politicization in the Judiciary and the defects in the delimitations and responsibilities of each Power. In conclusion, there is a need for balance between them and their jurisdictions, especially in the current political scenario.
This article discusses the current crisis in presidential countries and their tripartition of Powers, focusing on the interference of the Executive in the Judiciary. The comparative law between the United States of America and Brazil, by bibliographical and jurisprudential research was used as methodology of study. In the first part, it will be studied what differentiates presidential and parliamentary countries according to their historical formation. Then, the method of election of the members of the Executive Branch in both countries, as well as their conditions, will be discussed. Finally, the point of crisis found at the intersection of the Executive and the Judiciary in each country will be developed and examined, regarding the power of removal of members of the legal system in the American case and the appointment of the ministers of the Supreme Court in the Brazilian case. The obtained results demonstrate the increase of the politicization in the Judiciary and the defects in the delimitations and responsibilities of each Power. In conclusion, there is a need for balance between them and their jurisdictions, especially in the current political scenario.
poder executivo , poder judiciário , presidencialismo , direito comparado , supremo tribunal federal , politização , executive power , judicial power , presidentialism , comparative law , supreme court , politicization