Educação musical: aprendendo com o trabalho social de uma orquestra de violões
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Weizmann, Claudio
Mizukami, Maria da Graça Nicoletti
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Stori, Norberto
Joly, Ilza Zenker Leme
Joly, Ilza Zenker Leme
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The present thesis seeks to examine the still little understood and under-explored potential of music education, based on the analysis of the results of a socio-cultural musical project, the Orquestra Sinfonia do Cerrado. This project was built around the principles of a critical-reflective educational practice, and structured within the dynamics of a collective teaching process pertinent to learning communities, establishing the necessary conditions and credibility for work that could attend to social and cultural necessities, with a respect for the peculiarities of the young students involved, yet without abandoning a strong focus on artistic quality. A drive for professionalism, clarity of goals, and the construction of languages and methodologies guided the artistic and educational practice, orienting the planning, development, repertoire and results of the project, which also had consequences over the social and family life of the participants. The project resulted in highly elevated values of musical quality, self-accomplishment and social and humanistic awareness of the teenaged students, as well as the political and cultural empowerment of these low-income adolescents from an NGO based on the state of Goiás, Brazil. The research here reported shows the complexity of the cultural project itself, which ties music, lessons, students, teachers and society together, as well as the complexity of the methodology employed in order to deal with the theoretical
multidimensionality required in order to establish a synchronic investigation of pedagogical, historical, and cultural factors, along with the specific musical knowledge acted upon.
música , comunidade , aprendizagem , projeto cultural , prática artístico-educativa , educação musical , adolescente , ensino coletivo-investigativo de instrumento , music , communities , learning , cultural project , artistic
educational practice , music education , adolescents , collective teaching
Assuntos Scopus
WEIZMANN, Claudio. Educação musical: aprendendo com o trabalho social de uma orquestra de violões. 2008. 190 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação, Arte e História) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2008.