Admissibilidade das provas ilícitas no processo penal brasileiro
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Fochi, Vinicius Machado Lemos
Soares, Alessandro de Oliveira
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a admissibilidade das
provas ilícitas no processo penal brasileiro frente ao princípio da proporcionalidade. Levanta o
tema das provas ilícitas e sua vedação constitucional. Para tanto, analisa o conceito de prova
ilegítima, prova ilícita e prova ilícita por derivação, trazendo as teorias doutrinárias e a
jurisprudenciais sobre o tema. Ademais, examina os direitos fundamentais conflitantes e
estabelece o modo pelo qual o princípio da proporcionalidade incide nos casos de provas ilícitas
em favor do acusado (pro reo) e em favor da sociedade (pro societate). Expõe a legislação
constitucional e processual penal brasileira, bem como a doutrina e jurisprudência, investigando
as diferentes posições com relação ao assunto, que não é pacífico entre os juristas.
The present work aims to study the admissibility of illicit evidence in the Brazilian criminal process against the principle of proportionality. It raises the subject of illicit evidence and its constitutional prohibition. To this end, it analyzes the concept of illegitimate proof, illicit proof and illicit proof by derivation, bringing the doctrinal and jurisprudential theories on the subject. Furthermore, it examines the conflicting fundamental rights and establishes the way in which the principle of proportionality affects cases of illicit evidence in favor of the accused (pro reo) and in favor of society (pro societate). It exposes the Brazilian constitutional and procedural criminal legislation, as well as the doctrine and jurisprudence, investigating the different positions regarding the subject, which is not pacified among jurists.
The present work aims to study the admissibility of illicit evidence in the Brazilian criminal process against the principle of proportionality. It raises the subject of illicit evidence and its constitutional prohibition. To this end, it analyzes the concept of illegitimate proof, illicit proof and illicit proof by derivation, bringing the doctrinal and jurisprudential theories on the subject. Furthermore, it examines the conflicting fundamental rights and establishes the way in which the principle of proportionality affects cases of illicit evidence in favor of the accused (pro reo) and in favor of society (pro societate). It exposes the Brazilian constitutional and procedural criminal legislation, as well as the doctrine and jurisprudence, investigating the different positions regarding the subject, which is not pacified among jurists.
provas ilícitas , princípio da proporcionalidade , processo penal , ilegal evidence , proportionality principle , criminal proceedings