A responsabilidade civil em sua função punitiva pedagógica no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
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Ferreira Neto, João
Assis, Carlos Augusto de
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Este trabalho investiga a função punitiva pedagógica da responsabilidade civil no Direito brasileiro, partindo da premissa de que tem como objetivo primordial a reparação de danos. O estudo aborda a conceituação fundamental do instituto, sua evolução histórica e o desdobramento das funções, para então se debruçar sobre a inviabilidade da função punitiva pedagógica no ordenamento jurídico pátrio vigente. Utilizando-se de análise legislativa, doutrinária e comparativos internacionais, expõe argumentos contra a adoção da pena civil, visando enriquecer o debate sobre sua potencial integração como instrumento de justiça e dissuasão no sistema legal brasileiro.
This study investigates the pedagogical punitive function of civil liability in Brazilian Law, starting from the premise that its primary objective is the reparation of damages. The study addresses the fundamental conceptualization of the principle, its historical evolution, and the unfolding of functions, to then focus on the unfeasibility of the pedagogical punitive function in the current national legal system. Using legislative and doctrinal analysis, along with international comparisons, it presents arguments against the adoption of civil fines, aiming to enrich the debate on their potential integration as a tool for justice and deterrence in the Brazilian legal system.
This study investigates the pedagogical punitive function of civil liability in Brazilian Law, starting from the premise that its primary objective is the reparation of damages. The study addresses the fundamental conceptualization of the principle, its historical evolution, and the unfolding of functions, to then focus on the unfeasibility of the pedagogical punitive function in the current national legal system. Using legislative and doctrinal analysis, along with international comparisons, it presents arguments against the adoption of civil fines, aiming to enrich the debate on their potential integration as a tool for justice and deterrence in the Brazilian legal system.
responsabilidade civil , função punitiva , pena civil , reparação , civil liability , punitive function , civil fines , reparation