Gestação por substituição e os impactos no registro civil - resolução 63 do CNJ
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Ramos, Nicolle Alves Figueira
Camillo, Carlos Eduardo Nicoletti
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como realiza-se atualmente o registro civil de crianças geradas por cessão temporária do útero, diretamente nos cartórios de registro civil de pessoas naturais, conforme apresentado no Provimento nº 63/2017 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), o qual permite que os pais, mediante comprovação objetiva e documental, possam realizar registro de nascimento sem comparecimento da parturiente. Sendo assim, pretende-se discutir sobre a mudança trazida pelo Provimento do CNJ e sua repercussão no meio jurídico, bem como verificar sua eficácia nos casos de gestação por substituição.
The present work aims to analyze how the civil registration of children generated by the temporary transfer of the uterus is currently carried out directly in the civil registry offices of natural persons, as presented in Provision nº. 63/2017 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), which allows the parents, through objective and documentary evidence, to register the birth without the parturient attendance. In this way, it intends to discuss the change brought by the CNJ Provision and its repercussions in the legal environment, as well as to verify its effectiveness in cases of gestation by surrogacy.
The present work aims to analyze how the civil registration of children generated by the temporary transfer of the uterus is currently carried out directly in the civil registry offices of natural persons, as presented in Provision nº. 63/2017 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), which allows the parents, through objective and documentary evidence, to register the birth without the parturient attendance. In this way, it intends to discuss the change brought by the CNJ Provision and its repercussions in the legal environment, as well as to verify its effectiveness in cases of gestation by surrogacy.
gestação por substituição , registro civil , provimento nº 63/2017 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça , gestation by surrogacy , civil registry , provision no. 63/2017 of the National Council of Justice