Direito e agrotóxico na sociedade de risco: interações entre o poder estatal e a produção agrícola no Brasil
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Giusti, João Pedro Jurca
Nohara, Irene Patrícia
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Membros da banca
Os países da periferia do capitalismo encontram-se permanentemente sujeitos aos riscos criados
pelos países do centro, as iniquidades regulatórias, a necessidade de suprir carências sociais
básicas e de fomentarem o desenvolvimento econômico acaba por vezes os tornando
dependentes do capital externo. As políticas regulatórias de controle dos agrotóxicos no Brasil
exemplificam o cenário, a ascensão do mercado agrícola brasileiro para estes insumos teve
início com as concessões de créditos por parte do Estado nos anos 1965 e cresceu gradual e
constantemente até a redemocratização da República. Com a liberalização econômica da década
de 1990 os números passaram a crescer descontroladamente, a convergência de fatores como a
flexibilização das condições de implemento de multinacionais, a limitada estrutura de controle
administrativo dos produtos no país, os incentivos fiscais e os banimentos de diversos produtos
do mercado europeu, o território brasileiro se tornou acolhedor para as indústrias fabricantes de
químicos. A estrutura fundiária brasileira, a concentração de terras e o baixo nível de instrução
do trabalhador rural concorreram para o processo. Atualmente, a agricultura brasileira consome
cerca de 18% de todo o agrotóxico consumido no mundo, o Estado concede isenções fiscais
bilionárias às empresas fabricantes e 75% de todo o agrotóxico consumido internamente é
considerado altamente perigoso observado critérios internacionais, enquanto isso a população
do campo sofre com a exposição contínua, a população consumidora desconhece o verdadeiro
grau de perigo a que é exposta e a proteção do meio ambiente míngua. Busca-se com o trabalho
oferecer visão geral das normas que regulam os agrotóxicos no Brasil, bem como da insuficiente
estrutura administrativa de controle preventivo e fiscalizatório, contribuindo para um cenário
de constante violação de direitos
Countries of capitalism outskirts are permanently subject to the risks created by center countries, the regulatory inequities, the necessity of supply basic social needs and foment economic development, sometimes make them dependent of foreign capital. Regulatory politics of pesticides control in Brazil exemplify the scenario, the rise of brazilian agricultural market for these inputs began with credit granting by the State in 1965 and grew gradually and constantly until Republic redemocratization. With the economic liberation in 1990 decade, numbers started to grow uncontrolled, the factors convergence such as the implementation conditions of multinationals flexibility, the limited structure of administrative control of products in the country, tax incentives and bans of various products on the European market, the Brazilian territory became welcoming to chemical producers industries. Brazilian land structure, land concentration and low level education of the rural workers contribute to the process. Currently Brazilian agriculture consumes about 18% of all pesticides consumed in the world, State concedes billion-dollar tax breaks to grant manufacturing companies that produce pesticides and 75% of all consumed internally pesticides are considered highly dangerous according to international criterials, meanwhile the countryside population suffers from continuous exposure, the consumer population is unaware of the true degree of danger which it is exposed and the protection of the environment is minimal. The work seeks to provide an overview of the rules that regulate pesticides in Brazil, as well as the insufficient administrative structure of preventive and inspection control, contributing to a constant violation of rights scenario.
Countries of capitalism outskirts are permanently subject to the risks created by center countries, the regulatory inequities, the necessity of supply basic social needs and foment economic development, sometimes make them dependent of foreign capital. Regulatory politics of pesticides control in Brazil exemplify the scenario, the rise of brazilian agricultural market for these inputs began with credit granting by the State in 1965 and grew gradually and constantly until Republic redemocratization. With the economic liberation in 1990 decade, numbers started to grow uncontrolled, the factors convergence such as the implementation conditions of multinationals flexibility, the limited structure of administrative control of products in the country, tax incentives and bans of various products on the European market, the Brazilian territory became welcoming to chemical producers industries. Brazilian land structure, land concentration and low level education of the rural workers contribute to the process. Currently Brazilian agriculture consumes about 18% of all pesticides consumed in the world, State concedes billion-dollar tax breaks to grant manufacturing companies that produce pesticides and 75% of all consumed internally pesticides are considered highly dangerous according to international criterials, meanwhile the countryside population suffers from continuous exposure, the consumer population is unaware of the true degree of danger which it is exposed and the protection of the environment is minimal. The work seeks to provide an overview of the rules that regulate pesticides in Brazil, as well as the insufficient administrative structure of preventive and inspection control, contributing to a constant violation of rights scenario.
Indicado ao Prêmio TCC
agrotóxicos , regulação , políticas ambientais , administração pública , Brasil , pesticides , regulation , environmental policies , public administration , Brazil