O direito à desconexão no contexto do teletrabalho pós pandemia de Covid-19
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Robles, Amanda
Afonso, Túlio Augusto Tayano
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Com a disseminação do trabalho remoto durante a pandemia de Covid-19, houve
mudanças consideráveis no mercado de trabalho. Isto pois, embora tenha
proporcionado flexibilidade, o teletrabalho também trouxe consigo desafios
significativos. A linha tênue entre vida profissional e pessoal tornou-se cada vez mais
difusa, impactando diretamente a saúde mental dos trabalhadores. O presente estudo
busca detalhar as complexidades dessa mudança, analisando os efeitos negativos
que a falta de limites pode ter sobre o bem-estar psicológico dos colaboradores. Nesse
cenário, torna-se crucial implementar políticas organizacionais que reconheçam o
direito à desconexão. Além disso, regulamentações governamentais precisam ser
estabelecidas para proteger os direitos dos trabalhadores, garantindo intervalos
adequados e promovendo um ambiente de trabalho equilibrado. O estudo destaca a
importância de encontrar um equilíbrio entre a produtividade profissional e o respeito
pelo tempo pessoal, ressaltando que um ambiente de trabalho saudável não apenas
beneficia os trabalhadores, mas também contribui para a eficiência e a satisfação
geral no trabalho. A conscientização sobre essas questões é fundamental para criar
um futuro laboral mais humano e compassivo, onde o bem-estar dos trabalhadores
seja tratado como uma prioridade essencial.
With the widespread adoption of remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic, a fundamental transformation in the workplace landscape has occurred. While it has provided flexibility, remote work has also brought forth significant challenges. The thin line between professional and personal life has become increasingly blurred, directly impacting the mental health of workers. The study delves into the complexities of this change, examining the negative effects the lack of boundaries can have on employees' psychological well-being. In this scenario, it becomes crucial to implement organizational policies that recognize the right to disconnect. Additionally, government regulations need to be established to protect workers' rights, ensuring adequate breaks and promoting a balanced work environment. The study underscores the importance of striking a balance between professional productivity and respect for personal time, emphasizing that a healthy work environment not only benefits employees but also contributes to overall efficiency and job satisfaction. Awareness of these issues is vital to creating a more humane and compassionate future of work, where the well-being of workers is an essential priority.
With the widespread adoption of remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic, a fundamental transformation in the workplace landscape has occurred. While it has provided flexibility, remote work has also brought forth significant challenges. The thin line between professional and personal life has become increasingly blurred, directly impacting the mental health of workers. The study delves into the complexities of this change, examining the negative effects the lack of boundaries can have on employees' psychological well-being. In this scenario, it becomes crucial to implement organizational policies that recognize the right to disconnect. Additionally, government regulations need to be established to protect workers' rights, ensuring adequate breaks and promoting a balanced work environment. The study underscores the importance of striking a balance between professional productivity and respect for personal time, emphasizing that a healthy work environment not only benefits employees but also contributes to overall efficiency and job satisfaction. Awareness of these issues is vital to creating a more humane and compassionate future of work, where the well-being of workers is an essential priority.
teletrabalho , direito à desconexão , pandemia de Covid-19 , telecommuting , right to disconnect , Covid-19