Direito do consumidor e as instituições financeiras: o papel das ouvidorias em evitar a judicialização das demandas
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Ferreira, Bianca da Rocha
Giancoli, Brunno Pandori
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Membros da banca
Este artigo tratará do importante papel das ouvidorias das instituições financeiras com
ênfase na aplicabilidade do Código de Defesa do Consumidor e seu papel de mediação de
conflitos, a fim de discutir se desempenha ou não efetividade a fim de evitar a judicialização
das reclamações.
Cabe salientar que, as ouvidorias são componentes organizacionais presentes nas
instituições financeiras, e atuam como canal de comunicação direta entre os clientes e a própria
instituição, na solução de conflitos. Através do papel de resolução de lides extrajudiciais, as
ouvidorias têm o papel de driblar a efetivação de um processo judicial, o que acarreta na
celeridade das demandas, tendo em vista que são a última instância administrativa das
instituições financeiras. Ademais, é de extrema importância sua efetiva aplicabilidade e
desenvolvimento de funções, para que assim, obtenha seu êxito prestacional.
Assim, este artigo tratará da estrutura jurídica e papel institucional das ouvidorias, a
regulação das ouvidorias financeiras e bancárias, o papel mediador, a capacidade de solução de
conflitos pelas ouvidorias e as formas de solução de conflitos pelas ouvidorias financeiras, com
a finalidade de demonstrar se é ou não efetiva sua aplicabilidade.
Nesta vereda, será analisada a extensão da aplicação da jurisprudência que tutela o
direito do consumidor frente às instituições financeiras, demonstrando assim, a sua efetividade
This article will address the important role of the ombudsman of financial institutions with emphasis on the applicability of the Consumer Defense Code and its role of conflict mediation, in order to discuss whether or not it performs effectively in order to avoid the judicialization of complaints. It should be noted that ombudsman are organizational components present in financial institutions, and act as a direct communication channel between customers and the institution itself, in conflict resolution. Through the role of resolving extrajudicial disputes, ombudsman have the role of circumventing the execution of a judicial process, which leads to the celerity of demands, given that they are the last administrative instance of financial institutions. In addition, its effective applicability and development of functions is extremely important, so that it achieves its performance success. Thus, this article will deal with the legal structure and institutional role of the ombudsman, the regulation of financial and banking ombudsmen, the mediating role, the ability to resolve conflicts by the ombudsman and the ways of resolving conflicts by the financial ombudsman, in order to demonstrate whether or not its applicability is effective. In this way, the extension of the application of the jurisprudence that protects the consumer's right against financial institutions will be analyzed, thus demonstrating its concrete effectiveness.
This article will address the important role of the ombudsman of financial institutions with emphasis on the applicability of the Consumer Defense Code and its role of conflict mediation, in order to discuss whether or not it performs effectively in order to avoid the judicialization of complaints. It should be noted that ombudsman are organizational components present in financial institutions, and act as a direct communication channel between customers and the institution itself, in conflict resolution. Through the role of resolving extrajudicial disputes, ombudsman have the role of circumventing the execution of a judicial process, which leads to the celerity of demands, given that they are the last administrative instance of financial institutions. In addition, its effective applicability and development of functions is extremely important, so that it achieves its performance success. Thus, this article will deal with the legal structure and institutional role of the ombudsman, the regulation of financial and banking ombudsmen, the mediating role, the ability to resolve conflicts by the ombudsman and the ways of resolving conflicts by the financial ombudsman, in order to demonstrate whether or not its applicability is effective. In this way, the extension of the application of the jurisprudence that protects the consumer's right against financial institutions will be analyzed, thus demonstrating its concrete effectiveness.
ouvidoria , instituições financeiras e as ouvidorias , aplicabilidade do código de defesa do consumidor nas ouvidorias , ombudsman , financial institutions and ombudsman , applicability of the consumer protection code in the ombudsman