O greenwashing como desafio ao sistema jurídico brasileiro de defesa do consumidor: avaliação da eficácia das regulamentações e estratégias de aplicação contra a propaganda enganosa
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Ribeiro, Fernanda
Rodrigues, Geisa de Assis
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Este artigo analisa a prática dissimulada do greenwashing, em que fornecedores
comercializam produtos ou serviços como sustentáveis e não prejudiciais ao meio ambiente,
enquanto omitem impactos ambientais negativos, fornecem informações vagas ou sem
embasamento técnico. O contexto histórico é apresentado no primeiro capítulo, destacando a
crescente atenção dos consumidores às questões ambientais e a tendência de adquirir produtos
verdes, levando o marketing a explorar essas qualidades. No segundo capítulo, são identificadas
as condutas do greenwashing e os agentes envolvidos. O terceiro capítulo aborda as previsões
constitucionais e infraconstitucionais que exigem transparência e honestidade dos fornecedores,
ressaltando a prevenção e combate ao greenwashing no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. No
quarto capítulo, o greenwashing é classificado como desrespeito ao direito à informação,
enquadrando-o como vício por insegurança ou inadequação pelo CDC. O quinto capítulo
discute a prática do greenwashing em anúncios publicitários, podendo configurar publicidade
enganosa ou abusiva. Por fim, no sexto capítulo, é abordada a necessidade de uma norma
específica para prevenir e combater o greenwashing.
This study intends to analyze the surreptitious practice of greenwashing, in which suppliers market products or services as sustainable and not harmful to the environment, while omitting negative environmental impacts, providing vague information or without technical support. The historical context is presented in the first chapter, highlighting the growing attention of consumers to environmental issues and the tendency to purchase green products, leading marketing to exploit these qualities. The second chapter identifies greenwashing and the agents involved. The third chapter discusses the constitutional and infra-constitutional provisions that demand transparency and honesty from suppliers, highlighting the prevention and fight against greenwashing in the Brazilian legal system. In the fourth chapter, greenwashing is classified as disrespect for the right to information, classifying it as a defect due to insecurity or inadequacy under the CDC. The fifth chapter discusses the practice of greenwashing in advertisements, which may constitute misleading or abusive advertising. Finally, the sixth chapter discusses the need for a specific standard to prevent and combat greenwashing.
This study intends to analyze the surreptitious practice of greenwashing, in which suppliers market products or services as sustainable and not harmful to the environment, while omitting negative environmental impacts, providing vague information or without technical support. The historical context is presented in the first chapter, highlighting the growing attention of consumers to environmental issues and the tendency to purchase green products, leading marketing to exploit these qualities. The second chapter identifies greenwashing and the agents involved. The third chapter discusses the constitutional and infra-constitutional provisions that demand transparency and honesty from suppliers, highlighting the prevention and fight against greenwashing in the Brazilian legal system. In the fourth chapter, greenwashing is classified as disrespect for the right to information, classifying it as a defect due to insecurity or inadequacy under the CDC. The fifth chapter discusses the practice of greenwashing in advertisements, which may constitute misleading or abusive advertising. Finally, the sixth chapter discusses the need for a specific standard to prevent and combat greenwashing.
maquiagem verde , apelo ambiental excessivo , desenvolvimento sustentável , consumo sustentável , greenwashing , sustainable development , sustainable consumption , consumer rights