Conflito de interesses em sociedade de economia mista: análise do caso da troca de comando da Petrobrás em 2021
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Sant'Anna, Carolina Mariana Huertas
Ramunno, Pedro Alves Lavacchini
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a atuação do Estado como acionista controlador em sociedade de economia mista e o possível conflito de interesse com os acionistas minoritários, especialmente, a partir das nuances do caso escolhido: alteração no comando da Petrobrás em 2021 em função da discordância do acionista controlador com a política de preços dos combustíveis aplicada pela empresa. Para tanto, o trabalho está dividido em 4 etapas: (i) definição do regime jurídico de sociedade de economia mista; (ii) análise dos conceitos de interesse público e interesse privado, partindo das teorias institucionalista e contratualista, bem como da análise do interesse da companhia de acordo com a legislação societária; (iii) exame do conflito de interesses exposto no caso prático escolhido; e, por fim, (iv) o abuso de poder a partir das categorias de análise que foram apresentadas no trabalho.
This article aims to analyze the performance of the State as a controlling shareholder in a mixed-capital company and the possible conflict of interest with minority shareholders, especially from the nuances of the chosen case: change in Petrobras' command in 2021 due to the disagreement of the controlling shareholder with the fuel price policy applied by the company. For this purpose, this article is divided into 4 stages: (i) definition of the legal regime for a mixed-capital company; (ii) analysis of the concepts of public interest and private interest, based on the institutionalist and contractual theories, as well as the analysis of the company's interest in accordance with corporate law; (iii) examination of the conflict of interests exposed in the chosen practical case; (iv) and, finally, the abuse of power from the categories of analysis that were presented in this paper.
This article aims to analyze the performance of the State as a controlling shareholder in a mixed-capital company and the possible conflict of interest with minority shareholders, especially from the nuances of the chosen case: change in Petrobras' command in 2021 due to the disagreement of the controlling shareholder with the fuel price policy applied by the company. For this purpose, this article is divided into 4 stages: (i) definition of the legal regime for a mixed-capital company; (ii) analysis of the concepts of public interest and private interest, based on the institutionalist and contractual theories, as well as the analysis of the company's interest in accordance with corporate law; (iii) examination of the conflict of interests exposed in the chosen practical case; (iv) and, finally, the abuse of power from the categories of analysis that were presented in this paper.
sociedade de economia mista , interesse público , acionista minoritário , conflito de interesses , mixed-capital company , public interest , minority shareholder , conflict of interests