O novo mercado de gás natural: uma análise dos desafios da tributação de ICMS do setor
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Kavashita, Aline Akemi Soares
Cavalcanti, Márcio Novaes
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O presente estudo tem como objetivo examinar os desafios da tributação de gás natural pelo
ICMS, imposto de competência estadual, em razão dos conflitos que existem entre os entes
federados. A ideia de estudar a tributação da referida atividade surgiu das mudanças legislativas
que estão ocorrendo nas operações envolvendo o gás natural, bem como a necessidade de
diversificar a matriz energética do país, especialmente em um momento de crise do setor de
energia elétrica. Nesse sentido, o estudo tratou de analisar o histórico da regulamentação do gás
natural, as especificidades da cadeia do gás natural de acordo com a competência instituída pela
Constituição Federal, a tributação do gás natural quanto ao ICMS, além de apontar alguns dos
desafios a serem superados para que haja a possibilidade do desenvolvimento do setor no país.
This study aims to examine the challenges of natural gas taxation by ICMS, a tax under state jurisdiction, due to conflicts that exist between federal entities. The idea of studying the taxation of this activity arose from the legislative changes that are taking place in operations involving natural gas, as well as the need to diversify the country's energy matrix, especially at a time of crisis in the electricity sector. In this sense, the study analyzed the history of natural gas regulation, the specificities of the natural gas chain in accordance with the competence established by the Federal Constitution, the taxation of natural gas regarding ICMS, in addition to pointing out some of the challenges to be overcome so that there is the possibility of the development of the sector in the country.
This study aims to examine the challenges of natural gas taxation by ICMS, a tax under state jurisdiction, due to conflicts that exist between federal entities. The idea of studying the taxation of this activity arose from the legislative changes that are taking place in operations involving natural gas, as well as the need to diversify the country's energy matrix, especially at a time of crisis in the electricity sector. In this sense, the study analyzed the history of natural gas regulation, the specificities of the natural gas chain in accordance with the competence established by the Federal Constitution, the taxation of natural gas regarding ICMS, in addition to pointing out some of the challenges to be overcome so that there is the possibility of the development of the sector in the country.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC pela banca examinadora.
direito tributário , gás natural , novo mercado de gás , ICMS , tax law , natural gas , new natural gas market