Nelson Rodrigues adaptador e adaptado: a vida como “deveria ser”, do conto à tela
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Thomaz, Daniel de
Bastos, Neusa Maria Oliveira Barbosa
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Lajolo, Marisa Philbert
Bridi, Marlise Vaz
Baitello Junior, Norval
Ortiz, Pedro Henrique Falco
Bridi, Marlise Vaz
Baitello Junior, Norval
Ortiz, Pedro Henrique Falco
This research deals with the study of the adaptation process languages that has as
objective to analyze the transition from written text to audiovisual through intersemiotic
translation (Jakobson). Specifically we focus on the tales from the ' A Vida Como Ela É..." by
Nelson Rodrigues, originally published in a newspaper in the 50s and later adapted for
television in 90. The choice of the theme is justified by the continued increase in volume literary
productions adapted to different audiences and new electronic media. Its first foray analyzes
the author's journey, trying to draw parallels between his fictional work and journalism in order
to locate the series of tales as a watershed in the production of Brazilian serials and later
dramaturgical work of the author. Thus, from constant negotiations between the two
productions, we assign Nelson Rodrigues the function of "adapter", drawing upon, among
several concepts, the poetic emulation as a method of his authorial insertion in the Brazilian
imagination. In a second assault, we seek possible reasons to explain why television 90s was
chosen media for adaptation and display of 40 short stories in serial formats aired weekly in
the program Fantástico, Globo. From a political and economic analysis of so called decade
of globalization, we understand that such choices would be associated to the concept of
promise of a world organized, proposed by JOST (2007), this, as a whole, in televisual
communication of stations open during this period. In this context, the television episode
justifies its adaptive potential and a permeable work by intertextuality and dialogism
according to the versions previously performed for radio, film and television. Opting for
the theoretical and practical methodology, this research is mainly an analysis of original
content (written) and adapted (television) trying to find conjunctions, disjunctions and
transmutations in the transition from one form to another. This is accompanied by an
interview with the serial adapter and bibliographic research in order to provide a thorough
reflection on the potential of authors and works to adapt to new languages and media. For this,
in our specific objectives, we proposed the creation of categories of analysis, or adaptability
factors, namely the receptive creativity, variability of formats, thematic break and crack
conto , tradução intersemiótica , adaptação , televisão , jornalismo , ficção
Assuntos Scopus
THOMAZ, Daniel de. Nelson Rodrigues adaptador e adaptado: a vida como “deveria ser”, do conto à tela. 2015. 133 f. Tese (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.