A responsabilidade civil das empresas de transporte em situações de passageiras vítimas de importunação sexual
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Guimarães, Caroline Cristina
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente trabalho tem como escopo analisar a responsabilidade civil das empresas de
transporte coletivo em relação as passageiras vítimas de importunação sexual durante o trajeto
das viagens. Nos últimos anos, os casos de importunação sexual e violência sexual praticados
nas dependências do transporte coletivo aumentou em números expressivos e alarmantes, por
consequência, os tribunais passaram a enfrentar discussões envolvendo a responsabilidade civil
das empresas de transporte e o dever de indenizar as passageiras vítimas de violência sexual.
Em um primeiro momento, serão analisados institutos fundamentais do ordenamento jurídico
relacionados a responsabilidade civil. Após, será feita uma análise aprofundada dos institutos
próprios da responsabilidade civil do transportador. Por fim, será analisada a jurisprudência do
Superior Tribunal de Justiça, com a finalidade de compreender e elucidar os fundamentos que
serão utilizados como precedentes para esse relevante impasse jurídico.
The present work aims to analyze the civil liability of public transportation companies in relation to female passengers who are victims of sexual harassment during the journey. In recent years cases of sexual harassment and sexual violence practiced in public transportation facilities have increased in expressive and alarming numbers, as a result, the courts have started to face discussions involving the civil liability of transport companies and the duty to indemnify the victims of sexual violence. At first, fundamental institutes of the legal system related to civil liability will be analyzed. Afterwards, an in-depth analysis of the carrier's own civil liability institutes will be made. Finally, the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice will be analyzed, in order to understand and elucidate the fundamentals that will be used as precedents for this relevant legal impasse.
The present work aims to analyze the civil liability of public transportation companies in relation to female passengers who are victims of sexual harassment during the journey. In recent years cases of sexual harassment and sexual violence practiced in public transportation facilities have increased in expressive and alarming numbers, as a result, the courts have started to face discussions involving the civil liability of transport companies and the duty to indemnify the victims of sexual violence. At first, fundamental institutes of the legal system related to civil liability will be analyzed. Afterwards, an in-depth analysis of the carrier's own civil liability institutes will be made. Finally, the jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice will be analyzed, in order to understand and elucidate the fundamentals that will be used as precedents for this relevant legal impasse.
importunação sexual em transporte coletivo , assédio em transporte coletivo , responsabilidade civil da transportadora , contrato de transporte , sexual harassment in public transport