Tributação ambiental e extrafiscalidade do ICMS
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Costa, Flávia Carnevali
Gioia, Fulvia Helena de
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O presente artigo tem por principal finalidade a reflexão acerca da utilização do Direito
Tributário como instrumento para se alcançar a preservação e estabilidade do meio ambiente,
simultaneamente, ao desenvolvimento econômico da sociedade. Primeiramente, aborda-se os
princípios constitucionais capazes de delinear o Direito Ambiental em nosso ordenamento
jurídico, permitindo um breve histórico do seu surgimento em escala global. Em seguida, são
apontadas as diretrizes mencionada na Constituição Federal para a devida instituição do Direito
Tributário, bem como, os limites de sua aplicação. Posteriormente, adentra-se aos princípios
regentes do Direito Ambiental e do Direito Tributário cuja finalidade é demonstrar o ponto de
intersecção entre ambos, destacando-se a importância em se falar do meio ambiente e, desta
forma, abrindo caminho para que, por fim, seja apresentado o ICMS ecológico, importante
imposto cuja utilidade pode se dar além da mera fiscalização. Por fim, elucida-se que a
economia e nossos recursos naturais devem coexistir de maneira que, obedecendo aos
princípios jurídicos norteadores destas duas vertentes, à sociedade seja garantida todos os
direitos aos quais são atribuídos ao Estado como metas e obrigações, de forma legítima e
The presente academic article aims as main purpose to reflect the using of Tax Law as an instrument to achieve environmental preservation at the same time of the stability of economic development. Firstly, it addresses the constitutional principles able to head Environmental Law in our legal system, allowing a brief history of its emergence on a global scale. Then, the guidelines mentioned in the Constituição Federal for the proper institution of Tax Law are pointed out, as well as the limits of their application. Subsequently, it goes into the governing principles of Environmental Law and Tax Law whose purpose is to demonstrate the point of intersection between both, highlighting the importance of talking about the environment and, in this way, opening space for, finally, the ecological ICMS is presented, an important tax whose usefulness can go beyond mere inspection. Finally, it is clarified that the economy and our natural resources must coexist in such a way that, obeying the legal principles guiding these two aspects, society is guaranteed all the rights to which the State is assigned as goals and obligations, in a legitimate and constitutional way.
The presente academic article aims as main purpose to reflect the using of Tax Law as an instrument to achieve environmental preservation at the same time of the stability of economic development. Firstly, it addresses the constitutional principles able to head Environmental Law in our legal system, allowing a brief history of its emergence on a global scale. Then, the guidelines mentioned in the Constituição Federal for the proper institution of Tax Law are pointed out, as well as the limits of their application. Subsequently, it goes into the governing principles of Environmental Law and Tax Law whose purpose is to demonstrate the point of intersection between both, highlighting the importance of talking about the environment and, in this way, opening space for, finally, the ecological ICMS is presented, an important tax whose usefulness can go beyond mere inspection. Finally, it is clarified that the economy and our natural resources must coexist in such a way that, obeying the legal principles guiding these two aspects, society is guaranteed all the rights to which the State is assigned as goals and obligations, in a legitimate and constitutional way.
meio ambiente , ICMS ecológico , direito tributário , environment , ecological ICMS , tax