Limitação da responsabilidade das seguradoras no âmbito da apólice de seguro de responsabilidade civil facultativo automotora por danos materiais causados a terceiros
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Lacerda, Bruna Santos de
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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O presente trabalho trata sobre a limitação da responsabilidade das seguradoras na apólice de seguro de responsabilidade civil facultativo veicular, quando da ocorrência de sinistro que acarrete danos materiais a terceiros. Foi abordado temas técnicos com aplicabilidade no âmbito do direito civil, principalmente no que se refere à responsabilidade civil, baseando-se no Código Civil; Doutrina; Circular Susep (Superintendência de Seguros Privados), órgão federal que regulamenta o seguro; e, definição aplicada pela CNSeg (Confederação Nacional das Seguradoras), que representa a visão das seguradoras. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi falar sobre seguro, aprofundando no seguro de responsabilidade civil facultativa, trazendo os principais conceitos aplicáveis, circulares e normas que regulam este tema, e demonstrando que estas normas estão em linha com o que é previsto no Código Civil. Além disso, foi trazido o tema de responsabilidade civil das seguradoras, baseando-se mais uma vez no que o Código Civil prevê, e demonstrando também que as Circulares emitidas pelo órgão regulador (Susep) está em linha com a legislação aplicável.
This monograph presents the limitation of the liability of insurers in the optional vehicle liability insurance policy, when happens events of a claim that causes material damage to third parties. It was approached technical topics with civil law applicability mainly regarding civil liability, based on the Civil Code; Doctrine; Susep Circular (Private Insurance Superintendence), federal agency that regulates insurance; and, the definition applied by CNSeg (National Confederation of Insurers), which represents the view of insurers. The aim of this monograph was talking about insurance, deepening in optional liability insurance, bringing the main applicable concepts, circulars and rules that regulate this theme, and demonstrating that these standards are in line with what is provided in the Civil Code. In addition, the theme of civil liability of the insurers was brought up, based once again on what the Civil Code provides, and also demonstrating that the Circulars issued by the regulatory agency (Susep) are in line with the applicable legislation.
This monograph presents the limitation of the liability of insurers in the optional vehicle liability insurance policy, when happens events of a claim that causes material damage to third parties. It was approached technical topics with civil law applicability mainly regarding civil liability, based on the Civil Code; Doctrine; Susep Circular (Private Insurance Superintendence), federal agency that regulates insurance; and, the definition applied by CNSeg (National Confederation of Insurers), which represents the view of insurers. The aim of this monograph was talking about insurance, deepening in optional liability insurance, bringing the main applicable concepts, circulars and rules that regulate this theme, and demonstrating that these standards are in line with what is provided in the Civil Code. In addition, the theme of civil liability of the insurers was brought up, based once again on what the Civil Code provides, and also demonstrating that the Circulars issued by the regulatory agency (Susep) are in line with the applicable legislation.
responsa das seguradoras , seguro , responsabilidade civil , SUSEP , civil liability , optional civil liability , civil law