A inconstitucionalidade da emenda do teto de gastos
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Silva, Bruno Stuani Coelho da
Messa, Ana Flávia
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo tem por escopo a análise da Emenda Constitucional n° 95, desde a
possibilidade de propositura de emendas constitucionais em matéria de direito de financeiro até
a contraposição da Emenda Constitucional n° 95 com os princípios e objetivos traçados pelo
constituinte originário na construção de um Estado Social que busque efetivamente a garantia
dos Direitos Sociais.
This article is based on the analysis of Constitutional Amendment No. 95, from the possibility of proposing constitutional amendments on financial law to the opposition of Constitutional Amendment No. 95 with the principles and objectives outlined by the original constituent in the construction of a Social State that effectively seeks the guarantee of Social Rights.
This article is based on the analysis of Constitutional Amendment No. 95, from the possibility of proposing constitutional amendments on financial law to the opposition of Constitutional Amendment No. 95 with the principles and objectives outlined by the original constituent in the construction of a Social State that effectively seeks the guarantee of Social Rights.
emenda constitucional nº 95 , direito financeiro , despesa pública , princípios constitucionais , constitutional amendment n° 95 , financial law , public expenditure , constitutional principles