O papel do direito face aos refugiados climáticos
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Neves, Isabel Amarante de Oliveira
Silva, Solange Teles da
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O presente trabalho buscou compreender o papel do direito, sobretudo no que diz respeito
as suas limitações, em face dos refugiados climáticos. Acredita-se que a discussão se faz
extremamente importante, tendo em vista que para além dos impactos negativos gerados
pela humanidade no meio ambiente, as migrações forçadas de grupos populacionais
vulneráveis têm sido cada vez mais frequentes. Nesse sentindo, objetivou-se responder a
seguinte problemática: Qual o papel do direito e, em particular, do direito humanitário
face aos refugiados climáticos? Para que o questionamento fosse respondido buscou-se
compreender o contexto das migrações climáticas, bem como seus aspectos; caracterizar,
de forma geral, os refugiados climáticos; e, por fim, destacar as limitações do direito em
relação a proteção dos refugiados climáticos. A metodologia utilizada para o
desenvolvimento do trabalho, foi a de revisão bibliográfica.
The present work sought to understand the role of Law, and in particular its limitations, with regards to climate refugees. The author believes that this discussion is of extreme relevance, considering that beyond the negative impacts caused by man made climate change in our environment, there exists an increasing trend in the frequency of forced migrations of vulnerable populations. To this effect, the author's objective was to answer the following problem statement: "What is the role of Law, and in particular Humanitarian Law, with regards to climate refugees?". To answer this question, the author sought to understand the context of climate migrations, as well as define its characteristics, and more generally, to characterize climate refugees. Finally, the author highlighted the limitations of Law in protecting climate refugees. The methodology utilized to develop this work was a literature review.
The present work sought to understand the role of Law, and in particular its limitations, with regards to climate refugees. The author believes that this discussion is of extreme relevance, considering that beyond the negative impacts caused by man made climate change in our environment, there exists an increasing trend in the frequency of forced migrations of vulnerable populations. To this effect, the author's objective was to answer the following problem statement: "What is the role of Law, and in particular Humanitarian Law, with regards to climate refugees?". To answer this question, the author sought to understand the context of climate migrations, as well as define its characteristics, and more generally, to characterize climate refugees. Finally, the author highlighted the limitations of Law in protecting climate refugees. The methodology utilized to develop this work was a literature review.
refugiados climáticos , migrações forçadas , direito humanitário , climate refugees , forced migrations , humanitarian law