O acesso à internet como direito fundamental: uma análise sob a perspectiva histórica da dignidade humana
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Vicente, Giullia Mara Martinta
Marinho, Maria Edelvacy Pinto
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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar se o acesso à internet comporta ser elevado à
categoria de direito fundamental do homem. Para tanto, empreendeu-se a análise das
características globais e nacionais quanto à essa postulação, observando-se, principalmente, as
posturas adotadas pela Finlândia e pelo Canadá, países que declararam o acesso à internet como
direito básico do cidadão. No que diz respeito ao Brasil, foi observado se o acesso à internet
pode ser considerado parte integrante da dignidade humana brasileira, bem como se o direito
interno comporta essa postulação, além dos critérios necessários para realizar tal modificação
no ordenamento jurídico. Além disso, demonstrou-se a necessidade de adotar políticas públicas
que têm por objetivo gerar inclusão digital da população, a fim de dar efetividade ao direito de
acesso à internet.
The following study intended to analyze if internet access should be considered a fundamental right. Therefore, was realized analyze of the global and national characteristics about this postulation, observing, mainly, the decisions taken by Finland and by Canada, countries that decided to declare the internet access as a basic right. Regarding Brazil, it was observed if the access to the internet can be considered an integral part of national concept of human dignity, as well as whether Brazilian law supports this postulation, in addition to the necessary criteria to realize this modification in the legal system. Besides that, it was demonstrated the need to adopt public policies that aim to provide digital inclusion of the society to give effectiveness to the right of internet access.
The following study intended to analyze if internet access should be considered a fundamental right. Therefore, was realized analyze of the global and national characteristics about this postulation, observing, mainly, the decisions taken by Finland and by Canada, countries that decided to declare the internet access as a basic right. Regarding Brazil, it was observed if the access to the internet can be considered an integral part of national concept of human dignity, as well as whether Brazilian law supports this postulation, in addition to the necessary criteria to realize this modification in the legal system. Besides that, it was demonstrated the need to adopt public policies that aim to provide digital inclusion of the society to give effectiveness to the right of internet access.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2020
direito constitucional , direito fundamental , direito à internet , acesso à internet , constitutional law , fundamental right , right to internet , internet access