Mães de Haia: a subtração parental internacional nos casos de violência doméstica e sexual à luz da convenção de Haia e do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
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Capchek, Bárbara Galante
Medeiros, Thamara Duarte Cunha
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O artigo trata da Convenção de Haia sobre o Sequestro Parental Internacional de
Crianças e sua aplicação de modo geral, bem como nos casos de exceção de retorno do
menor ao seu país de residência habitual. Destaca a importância do melhor interesse da
criança nas decisões de guarda e suas garantias fundamentais. Ressalta a aplicação dos
conceitos trazidos pelos tratados que versam sobre a criança nas decisões judiciais dentro do
ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, devendo buscar equilibrar o melhor interesse da criança
com o princípio de soberania e os ditames da cooperação internacional. É enfatizado o papel
da Autoridade Central no tratamento dos casos de rapto e a importância das avaliações
psicológicas na determinação da situação da criança. Adicionalmente, são discutidas
medidas para prevenir a alienação parental, a violência contra a mulher e contra o infante,
além do direito de visita da genitora sequestradora, destacando a necessidade de
salvaguardar o direito dos filhos a um relacionamento familiar saudável.
The text presents the Hague Convention on International Parental Child Abduction and its general application, as well as in exceptional cases of the minor's return to their country of habitual residence. It highlights the importance of the child's best interests in custody decisions and their fundamental guarantees. It emphasizes the application of the concepts brought by treaties that deal with children in judicial decisions within the Brazilian legal system, seeking to balance the best interests of the child with the principle of sovereignty and the dictates of international cooperation. The role of the Central Authority in handling abduction cases and the importance of psychological assessments in determining the child's situation is noteworthy. Additionally, measures are discussed to prevent parental alienation, violence against women and children, in addition to the abductor mother's right to visit her child, highlighting the need to safeguard children's right to a healthy family relationship.
The text presents the Hague Convention on International Parental Child Abduction and its general application, as well as in exceptional cases of the minor's return to their country of habitual residence. It highlights the importance of the child's best interests in custody decisions and their fundamental guarantees. It emphasizes the application of the concepts brought by treaties that deal with children in judicial decisions within the Brazilian legal system, seeking to balance the best interests of the child with the principle of sovereignty and the dictates of international cooperation. The role of the Central Authority in handling abduction cases and the importance of psychological assessments in determining the child's situation is noteworthy. Additionally, measures are discussed to prevent parental alienation, violence against women and children, in addition to the abductor mother's right to visit her child, highlighting the need to safeguard children's right to a healthy family relationship.
sequestro parental internacional , convenção de Haia , melhor interesse do menor , violência , international parental abduction , hague convention , best interest of the minor , violence