Mersocul e democracia: a efetividade, interpretação e aplicação do Protocolo de Ushuaia sobre compromisso democrático no Mercosul
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Gallian, Felipe Pereira
Cardia, Ana Cláudia Ruy
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O presente artigo tem como objeto de estudo a interpretação, a aplicação e a efetividade do Protocolo de Ushuaia sobre compromisso democrático no Mercosul frente as crises democráticas ocorridas ao longo do Século XXI na América do Sul. De maneira específica, fora analisado o caso da suspensão do Paraguai do Mercosul em 2012, o do impeachment ocorrido no Brasil em 2016 e o da suspensão da Venezuela do bloco econômico em 2017. Ainda fora discorrido, de forma breve, a remodelação da cláusula democrática do bloco, com o advento do Protocolo de Montevideo sobre compromisso com a democracia no Mercosul, a questão da adesão da Bolívia, e as recentes crises democráticas ocorridas no Chile, Equador e Peru em 2019. Ao final, obteve-se a conclusão de que a cláusula democrática do Mercosul vem sendo utilizada pelos Estados Partes do bloco de forma estratégica, em sua aplicação e interpretação, distanciando-se assim de seu real objetivo.
This article has as main theme the interpretation, application and effectiveness of the Ushuaia Protocol on democratic commitment in Mercosur in the face of the democratic crises that occurred during the 21st Century in South America. Specifically, the main cases analyzed was the Paraguay’s suspension of Mercosur in 2012, the impeachment that took place in Brazil in 2016 and the suspension of Venezuela from the economic bloc in 2017. The remodulation of the bloc's democratic clause, with the signature of the Montevideo Protocol, on commitment to democracy in Mercosur, the issue of Bolivia's accession to the economic block, and the recent democratic crises in Chile, Ecuador, and Peru in 2019 had also been briefly discussed. In the end, the conclusion is that the Mercosur’s democratic clause has been used by the State members of the trading bloc in a strategic way, in its application and interpretation, thus distancing itself from its real objective.
This article has as main theme the interpretation, application and effectiveness of the Ushuaia Protocol on democratic commitment in Mercosur in the face of the democratic crises that occurred during the 21st Century in South America. Specifically, the main cases analyzed was the Paraguay’s suspension of Mercosur in 2012, the impeachment that took place in Brazil in 2016 and the suspension of Venezuela from the economic bloc in 2017. The remodulation of the bloc's democratic clause, with the signature of the Montevideo Protocol, on commitment to democracy in Mercosur, the issue of Bolivia's accession to the economic block, and the recent democratic crises in Chile, Ecuador, and Peru in 2019 had also been briefly discussed. In the end, the conclusion is that the Mercosur’s democratic clause has been used by the State members of the trading bloc in a strategic way, in its application and interpretation, thus distancing itself from its real objective.
democracia , Mercosul , integração regional , clausula democrática , protocolo de Ushuaia , democracy , regional integration , democratic clause