Obstáculos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro acerca da reprodução assistida
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Bonamini, Mariana Amábile
Scalquette, Ana Cláudia Silva
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O presente trabalho acadêmico tem como finalidade analisar a história, os métodos,
evolução, resoluções médicas e direitos acerca da Reprodução Assistida,
considerando a existência do direito fundamental de reproduzir, a prerrogativa que
cada individuo possui de constituir uma família e o aprimoramento de técnicas as quais
permitem que a procriação humana tenha assistência tanto médica, quanto científica.
A partir de uma análise legislativa e jurisprudencial, será nítido, ao final desta
monografia, perceber a necessidade de uma legislação específica que regulamente a
utilização, a aplicação de materiais genéticos e, e, em especial, os beneficiários, as
partes envolvidas e a criança resultado das técnicas de Reprodução Assistida.
Ademais, o presente trabalho contém uma vasta pesquisa bibliográfica que analisa de
maneira profunda a importância da reprodução humana e como as descobertas
científicas puderam contribuir, e até mesmo revolucionar, no processo reprodutivo aos
indivíduos considerados como inférteis e/ou estéreis.
The present academic work aims to analyze the history, methods, evolution, medical resolutions, and rights regarding Assisted Reproduction, considering the existence of the fundamental right to reproduce, the prerogative that each individual has to constitute a family and the improvement of techniques, which allow human procreation to have both medical and scientific assistance. Based on a legislative and jurisprudential analysis, it will be evident, at the end of this monograph, to perceive that the national law must draft a specific legislation that regulates the use and application of genetic materials, and, in special, the beneficiaries, the parties involved and the child result of Assisted Reproduction techniques. Furthermore, the present academic work contains vast bibliographic research that deeply analyzes the importance of human reproduction and how scientific discoveries could contribute, and even revolutionize, in the reproductive process of individuals considered as infertile and/or sterile.
The present academic work aims to analyze the history, methods, evolution, medical resolutions, and rights regarding Assisted Reproduction, considering the existence of the fundamental right to reproduce, the prerogative that each individual has to constitute a family and the improvement of techniques, which allow human procreation to have both medical and scientific assistance. Based on a legislative and jurisprudential analysis, it will be evident, at the end of this monograph, to perceive that the national law must draft a specific legislation that regulates the use and application of genetic materials, and, in special, the beneficiaries, the parties involved and the child result of Assisted Reproduction techniques. Furthermore, the present academic work contains vast bibliographic research that deeply analyzes the importance of human reproduction and how scientific discoveries could contribute, and even revolutionize, in the reproductive process of individuals considered as infertile and/or sterile.
reprodução assistida , infertilidade , esterilidade , tecnologia e métodos da procriação medicamente assistida , assisted reproduction , infertility , sterility , technology and methods of medically assisted procreation