O abuso do poder de controle nas sociedades anônimas
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Pereira Júnior, Rui Baracat Guimarães
Ramunno, Pedro Alves Lavacchini
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Esta monografia tem por objetivo analisar o poder de controle exercido pelo controlador nas sociedades anônimas. Dessa forma, a pesquisa, inicialmente, apresenta as conjunturas históricas, econômicas e estruturais relacionadas à legislação societária, bem como seus principais objetivos, o que abarca o desenvolvimento do mercado de capitais nacional. A seguir, trata do instituto do poder de controle dentro da Lei das Sociedades Anônimas, seu conceito, tipos, existência no campo fático e jurídico e hipóteses de exercício não alcançadas pela legislação. Por fim, traça uma comparação com as estruturas societárias de países com mercado de capitais desenvolvido e o abuso do poder de controle existente nesses locais, tal como propõe uma solução que visa prevenir abusos por meio de uma aproximação de interesses de todos os indivíduos afetados pela sociedade anônima.
This undergraduate thesis aims to analyze the power of control exercised by the corporation controller. Therefore the research initially presents the historical, economic, and structural conjunctures related to the corporate legislation, as well as its main goals, which embraces the development of the national capital market. Furthermore, the text addresses the institute of the power of control within the Brazilian Companies Law, its concepts, types, existence in the factual and legal field and exercise hypothesis unreached by the legislation. Finally, the research draws a comparison with corporate structures in countries with a developed capital market and the abuse of control power in this nations, such as proposes a solution that prevents abuses through an approach of interests of all the affected individuals by the corporation.
This undergraduate thesis aims to analyze the power of control exercised by the corporation controller. Therefore the research initially presents the historical, economic, and structural conjunctures related to the corporate legislation, as well as its main goals, which embraces the development of the national capital market. Furthermore, the text addresses the institute of the power of control within the Brazilian Companies Law, its concepts, types, existence in the factual and legal field and exercise hypothesis unreached by the legislation. Finally, the research draws a comparison with corporate structures in countries with a developed capital market and the abuse of control power in this nations, such as proposes a solution that prevents abuses through an approach of interests of all the affected individuals by the corporation.
poder de controle , sociedade anônima , abuso , estrutura societária , power of control , corporation , abuse , corporate structure