Responsabilidade civil dos genitores menores pelos atos ilícitos praticados por seus filhos
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Garcia, Luiz Gustavo
Giancoli, Brunno Pandori
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O presente artigo possui como tema central a análise de possibilidade de responsabilizar
civilmente os genitores civilmente incapazes (menores de 18 anos) pelos atos ilícitos praticados
por seus filhos por danos causados à terceiros. O artigo analisou os índices e taxas de mulheres
que engravidam antes dos 18 anos no Brasil e sua comparações com outros países da América
Latina. No tópico seguinte, explorou a possibilidade de responsabilização civil tomando como
base as regras contidas nos arts. 932 e 933 do Código Civil que disciplinam a responsabilidade
civil por fato de outrem. Finalmente, no terceiro tópico, estudou-se a hipótese de ato ilícito
praticado por uma criança, filho de pais menores de idade, e as eventuais soluções acerca de
quem será responsabilizado civilmente.
The article has as its central theme the analysis of the possibility of civil responsibility for parents under 18 years old for acts performed by their children. For this, the article was analyzed de rates of women who recorded under 18 years old in Brazil and their comparation with other countries in Latin América. The following chapter, we explored the civil responsibility, based on articles 923 and 933 by Civil Law, for the acts of his auxiliaries Finally, in the third chapter, we study a hypothesis of an illegal act practiced by a child, with parents dosen’t complete 18 years old, and the possible solution about who will be civilly responsible
The article has as its central theme the analysis of the possibility of civil responsibility for parents under 18 years old for acts performed by their children. For this, the article was analyzed de rates of women who recorded under 18 years old in Brazil and their comparation with other countries in Latin América. The following chapter, we explored the civil responsibility, based on articles 923 and 933 by Civil Law, for the acts of his auxiliaries Finally, in the third chapter, we study a hypothesis of an illegal act practiced by a child, with parents dosen’t complete 18 years old, and the possible solution about who will be civilly responsible
responsabilidade civil , responsabilidade civil dos pais pelos filhos , gravidez na adolescência , civil responsablity , parents civil responsibility by acts of his childrens , early pregnancy