A validade jurídica dos contratos assinados eletronicamente
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Parente, Ana Vitória Linhares
Soares, Renata Domingues Balbino Munhoz
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O presente artigo objetiva o estudo da validade jurídica dos contratos assinados
eletronicamente, incluindo os tipos de assinaturas eletrônicas atualmente existentes e o
tratamento de cada uma delas pelo ordenamento jurídico e órgãos públicos brasileiros. A
abordagem se concentra, primordialmente, na análise da legislação, doutrina e jurisprudência
nacional. Se baseia, ainda, em resoluções do Comitê Gestor do ICP-Brasil, do Conselho
Nacional de Justiça e das Instruções Normativas do Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia da
Informação, bem como aponta a insuficiência da regulamentação no Brasil. A relevância do tema
diante da atual conjuntura do país justifica a sua escolha e desenvolvimento. A conclusão é que
os contratos assinados eletronicamente em conformidade com a MP 2.200-2 são dotados de
validade jurídica, tão quanto aqueles assinados fisicamente pelas partes envolvidas.
This article aims to study the legal validity of electronically signed contracts, including the types of electronic signatures currently in existence and the treatment of each of them by the Brazilian legal system and public bodies. The study focuses primarily on the analysis of national legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence. It is also based on resolutions of the Management Committee of ICP-Brasil, the National Council of Justice and the Normative Instructions of the National Institute of Information Technology, as well as points out the insufficiency of regulations in Brazil. The relevance of the theme in view of the country's current situation justifies its choice and development. The conclusion is that contracts signed electronically in accordance with Provisional Measure 2.200-2 are legally valid, just as those signed physically by the parties involved.
This article aims to study the legal validity of electronically signed contracts, including the types of electronic signatures currently in existence and the treatment of each of them by the Brazilian legal system and public bodies. The study focuses primarily on the analysis of national legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence. It is also based on resolutions of the Management Committee of ICP-Brasil, the National Council of Justice and the Normative Instructions of the National Institute of Information Technology, as well as points out the insufficiency of regulations in Brazil. The relevance of the theme in view of the country's current situation justifies its choice and development. The conclusion is that contracts signed electronically in accordance with Provisional Measure 2.200-2 are legally valid, just as those signed physically by the parties involved.
assinatura eletrônica , assinatura digital , contratos eletrônicos , certificado digital ICP-Brasil , electronic signature , digital signature , electronic contracts , ICP-Brasil digital certificate