A competência dos entes federativos na pandemia de Covid-19 à luz da ADI 6.343
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Serafim, Natália Costa
Casseb, Paulo Adib
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo abordar as questões atuais que giraram em torno da pandemia do covid-19 no âmbito jurídico, e que abrangeram a população brasileira em questões que dizem respeito ao bem comum em tempos de catástrofes. Mais especificamente, busca analisar como essas questões foram resolvidas no que toca o direito brasileiro. Assim, tendo em vista a constante provocação do poder judiciário – mais ainda, do STF – faz-se útil esclarecer os conflitos postos e as suas decisões frente a esses estímulos. Por isso, analisa-se uma ADI que surtiu efeito na compreensão de como a comunidade jurídica lidou (com os conflitos) e buscou o bem da sociedade. Para isso, utiliza-se o método de revisão bibliográfica-documental.
The article aims to approach current issues related to legal matters involving the Covid-19 pandemic in the legal sphere, which covered the Brazilian population in matters that concern the common good in times of catastrophes. More specifically, it seeks to analyze how these issues were resolved in terms of Brazilian law. Thus, in view of the constant provocation of the judiciary - even more, of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) - it is useful to clarify the conflicts raised and their decisions in the face of these stimuli. Therefore, an ADI (Direct Unconstitutionally Action) that had an effect on understanding how the legal community dealt (with conflicts) and sought the good of society is analyzed through a method of bibliographic-documentary review.
The article aims to approach current issues related to legal matters involving the Covid-19 pandemic in the legal sphere, which covered the Brazilian population in matters that concern the common good in times of catastrophes. More specifically, it seeks to analyze how these issues were resolved in terms of Brazilian law. Thus, in view of the constant provocation of the judiciary - even more, of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) - it is useful to clarify the conflicts raised and their decisions in the face of these stimuli. Therefore, an ADI (Direct Unconstitutionally Action) that had an effect on understanding how the legal community dealt (with conflicts) and sought the good of society is analyzed through a method of bibliographic-documentary review.
competência dos entes federativos , pandemia de covid-19 , ADI 6.343 , competence of federative entities , covid-19 pandemic