A importância dos títulos do agronegócio para o fomento do setor
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Tamaoki, João Pedro Canelas
Rodrigues, Luiz Gustavo Friggi
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho monográfico tem como objetivo analisar, pelo viés jurídico, a
implementação dos títulos de crédito do agronegócio a partir da década de 1990 como meio de
financiamento do setor. Utiliza-se da metodologia de pesquisa dedutiva, através da pesquisa
bibliográfica. Desse modo, divide-se o trabalho em dois capítulos: o primeiro se ocupa em
definir a cronologia legislativa dos instrumentos que deram origem aos títulos do agronegócio,
bem como conceituar e diferenciar as suas principais espécies, nomeadamente a Cédula de
Produto Rural (CPR), o Certificado de Direitos Creditórios do Agronegócio (CDCA), a Letra
de Crédito do Agronegócio (LCA), o Certificado de Recebíveis do Agronegócio (CRA), o
Certificado de Depósito Agropecuário (CDA) e o Warrant Agropecuário (WA); a segunda
seção, por sua vez, ocupa-se em examinar as estatísticas produzidas academicamente, assim
como as posições de doutrinadores da área e dos mais diversos Tribunais brasileiros. Ao final,
conclui-se que, analisando comparativamente as estatísticas anteriores e posteriores ao advento
de referidos títulos, há um crescimento constante na sua utilização que se relaciona
exponencialmente com relação à participação do agronegócio na economia brasileira.
This monographic paper has as purpose to analyze, through a legal bias, the implementation of the agrobusiness credit securities since the decade of 1990 as means to finance the sector. The study uses the deductive research methodology, through the bibliographic research. Therefore, this paper is divided in two sections: the first occupies with defining the legislative chronology in regard to the instruments that originated the agrobusiness credit securities, as well as defining and distinguishing its main species, namely the Rural Product Note (RPN), the Certificate of Agribusiness Credit Rights (CACR), the Agribusiness Credit Bonds (ACB), the Agribusiness Credit Receivable Certificates (ACRC), the Agribusiness Certificates of Deposit (ACD) and the Agribusiness Warrant (AW); the second section, in its turn, occupies with examining the statistics academically produced, as well as the doctrine and a portion of Brazilian Courts positions. At the end, it is concluded that, analyzing comparatively the statistics before and after the advent of the aforementioned titles, there is a constant growth in their use that is exponentially related to the participation of agribusiness in the Brazilian economy.
This monographic paper has as purpose to analyze, through a legal bias, the implementation of the agrobusiness credit securities since the decade of 1990 as means to finance the sector. The study uses the deductive research methodology, through the bibliographic research. Therefore, this paper is divided in two sections: the first occupies with defining the legislative chronology in regard to the instruments that originated the agrobusiness credit securities, as well as defining and distinguishing its main species, namely the Rural Product Note (RPN), the Certificate of Agribusiness Credit Rights (CACR), the Agribusiness Credit Bonds (ACB), the Agribusiness Credit Receivable Certificates (ACRC), the Agribusiness Certificates of Deposit (ACD) and the Agribusiness Warrant (AW); the second section, in its turn, occupies with examining the statistics academically produced, as well as the doctrine and a portion of Brazilian Courts positions. At the end, it is concluded that, analyzing comparatively the statistics before and after the advent of the aforementioned titles, there is a constant growth in their use that is exponentially related to the participation of agribusiness in the Brazilian economy.
títulos de crédito , agronegócio , crédito rural , sistema financeiro , credit securities , agribusiness , rural credit , financial system