Dificuldade probatória nos crimes contra a dignidade sexual das crianças e adolescentes
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Bassani, Vinicius Maximus Monteiro
Aranha Filho, Adalberto José Queiroz Telles de Camargo
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O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo aprofundar o conhecimento acerca da
grande dificuldade que as vítimas vulneráveis de crimes contra a dignidade sexual, previstos no
título VI do Código Penal, encontram durante todo o processo, desde o crime, até todo o
processo de julgamento do acusado, porém, de forma mais aprofundada, na parte relativa às
provas no processo. Além da parte psicológica afetada, muitas vezes pelo agressor estar situado
dentro do âmbito familiar, como parentes, namorados, ex-namorados, etc. após a decisão da
vítima de expor o crime à autoridade policial, como se dá a valoração da palavra da vítima,
como o Judiciário decide sobre o tema e quais os mecanismos jurídicos e sociais para ajudar a
parte hipossuficiente. Desse modo, para uma total compreensão de como o direito pode
contribuir para dar maior segurança, e credibilidade para as vítimas, serão levantados dados
relativos a esses processos criminais, e como o Judiciário se comporta em relação às provas
apresentadas pelas vítimas. Por fim, essa análise será feita por meio de livros, artigos e dados
governamentais, para entendimento de técnicas e manejo das provas pelo aparato público para
a plena e correta instrução criminal.
The main goal of this work is to deepen the knowledge in the great difficulty that vulnerable victims of crimes against sexual dignity, provided by Title VI of the Criminal Code, encounter throughout the process, from the crime until the entire trial process of the accused, however, in a more detailed way when it comes to the evidence. In addition to the psychological part affected, often caused since the aggressor is located within the family, such as relatives, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, etc. after the victim decides to expose the crime to the authorities, it's key to know how the victim's word is valued, how the Judiciary decides on the issue and what are the legal and social mechanisms to help the vulnerable party. Thus, for a full understanding of how the law can contribute to providing greater security and credibility for victims, data will be collected relating to these criminal cases, and how the Judiciary behaves about the evidence presented by victims. Finally, this analysis will be carried out using books, articles, and government data, to understand techniques and handling of evidence by the public apparatus for full and correct criminal investigation.
The main goal of this work is to deepen the knowledge in the great difficulty that vulnerable victims of crimes against sexual dignity, provided by Title VI of the Criminal Code, encounter throughout the process, from the crime until the entire trial process of the accused, however, in a more detailed way when it comes to the evidence. In addition to the psychological part affected, often caused since the aggressor is located within the family, such as relatives, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, etc. after the victim decides to expose the crime to the authorities, it's key to know how the victim's word is valued, how the Judiciary decides on the issue and what are the legal and social mechanisms to help the vulnerable party. Thus, for a full understanding of how the law can contribute to providing greater security and credibility for victims, data will be collected relating to these criminal cases, and how the Judiciary behaves about the evidence presented by victims. Finally, this analysis will be carried out using books, articles, and government data, to understand techniques and handling of evidence by the public apparatus for full and correct criminal investigation.
crimes contra a dignidade sexual , prova , vítimas vulneráveis , processo criminal , sexual offenses sexual crimes , evidence , vulnerable victims , criminal procedure law